The democrats want to pass new voting legislation that will open voting to illegals and people voting more than once. They want to do away with requiring voter ID, increase mail in voting and vote harvesting. Just read the bill and not listen to their false and lying rhetoric. What the republicans want is voting ID and in reality who does not have identification that one needs for just about everything. Besides if by some reason one grows up without ID then you can go to your local election office or motor vehicle office and get ID and become eligible to vote. Republicans want mail in voting that we already have with absentee ballots and not mailing ballots to every voter of record according to the voting records even though maybe thousands of registrants are deceased. Also, republicans want all voters to be US citizens, something the democrats want if you listen to their rhetoric when they claim requiring ID is racist. Imagine if voter ID is not required how many times do you think you could vote in different districts in you state or adjoining state. Democrats are lying to the people and what they are accusing the republicans of doing, they are actually doing themselves. Accuse your opposition of doing what you are doing. They have been doing this for years. But one must research to see the lies we are being told.
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