It seems anyone who attended the Trump rally on January 6th is considered a “Domestic Terrorist”, especially if you were or still a Trump supporter. If you were anywhere near the Capitol Building and your face is seen in the videos, you will see approximately 30 well-armed FBI agents and maybe even an armored vehicle to come to your home and arrest you and place you in solitary confinement without charges. Somewhere it seems we have a constitutional violation here. But under the China Joebama the constitution need not apply. What we are witnessing developing in this country under the China Joebama administration is the beginning of a police state. We see this recently with the DOJ that they will be investigating whether those parents that attend a school board meeting are terrorist in disguise. The real terrorism we witnessed in our democratic communist controlled cities this past year with BLM and Antifa get a pass and are set free to continue their destructive actions that you and I would be sitting in prison for doing the same thing. We also know that the FBI was involved in developing the alleged kidnapping of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and used the same tactics on January 6th to create a disturbance so Pelosi and company could call this an insurrection. The reason was to begin another attempt at Impeaching Trump to prevent him from running in 2024. This failed, but the FBI under the direction of some of their corrupt leaders with the cover of the corrupt DOJ are still going after Trump through his advisers. This will not end until all these corrupt agencies are cleaned out. Today it is Trump supporters and tomorrow it will be you. This is part of what former President Obama when he stated he was going to Fundamentally Transform the United States of America. The election of Trump put a hold on this, but with China Joebama in the White House, and Susan Rice delivering the messages from Obama to China Joe and his staff, they are trying again knowing they will lose their power in 2022 so it is imperative that the $3.5 Trillion bill is passed that would change the election process making it almost impossible for a republican to get elected. Aside from all the money be given to their supporters under a ruse that it will be spent on something else. If this bill is passed, we may never survive as a country. This is another reason why they want to increase the justices on the Supreme Court so all their unconstitutional legislation would get the court approval. Wake up America.
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