As we have learned this past week, Columbia University is now going to hold graduation for each different ethnicity and race. Separating graduates by their background. We also have our schools teaching the BLM theory that is promoting racial divide between whites and blacks as well as other racial groups. BLM has also admitted to being a Marxist organization that has been preaching the overthrow of our constitution republic. We fought a civil war to end this racial hate and under President Lincoln who issued the Emancipation Proclamation freeing black slaves. But cancel culture wants President Lincoln’s name removed from our history, schools and any mention of his name. Does this mean that Ford motor company must change the name of their Lincoln brand automobiles? We are encouraging in our schools racial hate that can only lead to violence in years to come that is totally based on false, socialist, Marxist and communist propaganda that is being used to destroy our country. If we do not speak out against this destructive ideology, we will witness the destruction of our country. We can rest assured that billionaire George Soros’s organizations is financing this as he is out to destroy our country from within. He has been financially supporting radical candidates for District Attorney in various states and has been successful in this effort. We have to wake up or we will not have a country to wake up in.
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