We all knew that the world was
coming to an end in 10 years due to global warming or climate change, whatever
name is used. The end of the world
coming in 10 to 12 years is a phrase that has been used for the past 50 years
and we are still here. Even that great
scientist Al Gore predicted in the 90’s that we only had 10 years remaining
before waters rise and half the world would be under water.
But today we learned that
the programs that the Biden administration will introduce, will eliminate
hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and other storms that we see every
year. But, we must jump with joy that within
10 years these will be a thing of the past.
The fact that these storms have been around for probably a million years
or more, means that the Neanderthal man
abused the world by polluting the atmosphere and in the next 10 years, we will
strike their names from the history books so they will never have existed.
In the meantime, we will be rejoining the Paris
climate group and shell out somewhere between $400 to $500 million dollars to this
group a year while China, one of the world’s greatest polluter spends
approximately $34 million dollars. After
all, China is still a development nation and will not be brought up to our
standards until at least 2030. But, we
know China Joe Biden will probably request an extension since by 2030, China
will still be a developing nation.
But we have nothing to fear. Just because we will pay more for fuel to
fill our vehicles, heat our homes, higher unemployment, business bankruptcies and
pay more for food should have no problem with us. Paying more is contributing to improving our
climate and way of life while China, India and other countries will not be
contributing to improving the climate while they watch their competitors
destroying themselves and they will become the world power. But the rich and powerful that are pushing
this farce will be more rich and powerful until the rest of us bow down to their
power and control. Submit or be
destroyed. If you listened to what that
great American said today, John Kerry, he was just telling you to find another
job. The rich and powerful, of which
Kerry belongs, among other Biden nominees, were just telling you to stick it where
the sun does not shine, you peasant.
While they and their other elitist fly around
in their private jets, they are not concerned about the increase cost of fuel,
since to them it is a mere pittance to the money they have. Besides, they will just write it off at
income tax time as a business expense.
Unless you are completely brain dead, these elitist in the Biden
administration are telling you to sit down, shut up or we will stick it up your
ass, lock you up and throw away the key.
Remember, Solyndra and the many other
businesses that Obama/Biden promoted financially, are not in business, but they
were given millions of dollars. Solyndra
was given $535 million dollars and a year later they were out of business and
the taxpayers got stuck with the bill.
The taxpayers get stuck with the bills, while the rich and powerful just
walk away free and clear.
So for all you who voted for Biden and I am
including the illegals, as well as the millions that never existed you are
getting what you voted for whether you like it or not. These communist are going to push their
agenda at an accelerated pace since they fear the 2022 election may see them
lose control of the House and Senate.
But, we also know that the dead will be out in full force to vote in an
attempt to prevent this from happening. So, the next time you visit a cemetery,
you can try to explain to all the dead the damage their vote has caused to this
country. Just remember when you die, you
will be permitted to come alive every 2 and 4 years to vote. So, it is important that you are prepared and
understand the issues.
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