If the republicans do not win these two senate seats, you can kiss our constitution that has been our governing documents for 230 years goodbye. If you have listened to just what Sen. Schumer has said repeatedly, we will see the end of the Electoral College and 9 members in the Supreme Court. That is, they will put more members on this court so they can control you the American people. They know they cannot get 2/3rd vote in each house of congress to amend the constitution, so they will use the Supreme Court. Not what our founders intended, but don’t forget these democrats don’t give a dam about the constitution, but do care about controlling you. Our Founding Fathers gave us the Electoral College to prevent the few most populous states from controlling the vote. Under the Electoral College, every vote in every state will count, but with the popular vote, there will be about 10 states that will control all presidential elections. This means the so called fly over states will have no say in presidential elections. So, all these 40 states that continue to elect democratic senators and house members will realize that their representatives have sold them for power and control over their constituents. Something to think about. Just about 40 states will never have a chance to elect a president, since their democratic senators will have permitted the radical Schumer to alter our election process. This is not the Democratic Party, but a communist party that intend to control all aspects of your life.
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