So now we see how we are going to divide the country. At NFL games we are going to play 2 National Anthems. Actually, our country has one National Anthem written in the war of 1812. But, the powers that be believe we should have 2 Anthems. One for blacks and another for the rest of the country. And the assholes that play in the NFL believe this will not divide the country. Who is really creating racial hatred country? Those that believe in the greatness of our country and our constitution where we believe our rights of Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness that is guaranteed by God not government or these radicals, including Biden supporters believe all our rights should come from government. Of course, we all know what government giveth can take away. Here today, gone tomorrow. Think about that. This is what socialist/Marxist do and the present socialist presidential candidate, Joe Biden has his Marxist handlers indirectly promising this will happen. Of course, Biden is clueless.
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