During this 4 day of viral rhetoric against President Trump, his supporters and our country, not once did we hear anyone speak out against the ongoing violence in our cities. We see every day violence in Seattle, Portland, Chicago, NYC and other democratic controlled cities, but instead of discussing how they will end this violence and physical assaults on the police, other residents and the destruction of property, it was completely ignored just like the news media has been ignoring this for weeks and months. This is what we will see throughout our country under a Biden presidency as they will continue to ignore the obvious. They will claim what we see is not happening and is misreported. These are peaceful demonstrations where a few disgruntled people engage in violence. So, why police are being assaulted or killed, businesses burned down, residents threatened with violence and/or physically assaulted for expressing a difference of opinion, Biden and the other socialist demonstrations ignore the obvious. Remember this when you vote. This violence may be coming to a neighborhood near you, if not yours. Looking the other way does not resolve problems.
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