Two police officers were shot this Saturday in Chicago and St. Louis. One in each city is in critical condition. We did not see any riots, businesses burned or looted or outraged over these shootings. We did not see the NBA or MLB walked off their field of play in support of the police. We did see any of these overpaid athletes wearing Blue Lives Matter in support of these officers. It seems most athletes in all major sports get paid well but lack a backbone and do not speak out against what we are seeing in sports today. It has been reported that most fans do not want sports dominated by politics and if these athletes want to express their phony outrage and their support for the looters and rioters, then they should do it on their own time, not game time. It is also obvious these athletes are clueless as to what is really happening in these cities that are burning every day. We know that all lives matter, but the BLM group is an admitted Marxist organization that wants to overthrow our form of government. If that happened, these athletes would not be paid the millions they are getting today. Government would control their salaries. It is also interesting a few years ago when 5 Dallas police offers were killed, the Dallas Cowboys wanted to wear decals on their helmets in support of the police but the NFL said no. But today, they can wear the names of all those blacks that have been killed by police. But not the names of those police officers killed by blacks. After all, if one is going to accuse the police of killing blacks, then it is only fair play to display the names of those police officers killed by blacks. This is how crazy this whole thing has gotten but it is in keeping with the BLM group to divide and conquer and these athletes as well as the organizations they play for are oblivious to this or do support overthrowing our government. Sports and politics should not mix as these sports are losing fans and with the Covid-19 shutdown, many fans have found other things to do and watching sports on TV is not one of them.
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