Who really has been making decisions in our government over the years? Or who is running the country?
It appears the intelligence
community is attempting to turn on President Trump as our president is exposing
the swamp. As Sen. Schumer said in
January 2017 that the intelligence community can come after you 6 ways from
Sunday. In other words, the intelligence
community will dictate foreign policy and not our elected representatives. This has to be extremely frightening to our country
and our constitution. These unelected
bureaucrats want to dictate and direct whoever is president to dictate the
foreign policy they want and not those we elected. That is why we saw the
overthrow of Saddam Hussein who, although a dictator, was a buffer against
Iran. The overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi
in Libya was dictated by the intelligence community and we see the end result
of that debacle. Gaddafi was towing the
line, but the bureaucrats in the intelligence community wanted him out. We have seen our country involved in areas
where we should not be thanks to phony intelligence.
If President Trump is not successful in draining the swamp,
then elections do not matter and the unelected will remain in power. The American people had better wake up and
see the facts for what they are and no listen to the phony news media that have
been talking phony impeachment for nearly 3 years. Something the intelligence community
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