It appears
from what we witnessed last night that the left, the socialist party (AKA
formerly Democratic Party), Antifa and the members of congress that have been
pushing violent confrontation against Trump supporters since Trump’s election
are determined to end free speech that does not meet their standards. What we are seeing in Hong Kong where the
residents of Hong Kong are fighting for freedom and the trampling of these
demonstrators by the Chinese government, will come to this country if we elect
a socialist House and Senate and presidency.
If you doubt that this is coming where government will control what you
can and cannot do, then you are living in a fantasy world. What our Founders and their followers fought
and died for in the Revolutionary War, will be
lost forever. Listen clearly to what the
socialist presidential candidates are saying.
Have you heard any of these candidates speak out against what took place
in Minnesota last night? If they did, it
was done under their breath.
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