What we have
learned and the lying media is not reporting is that Michael Cohen was
instructed by the prosecutors to state to the judge that he made payments to
two females on the behalf of a candidate in 2016. Contrary to what the media is reporting, making
payments of this type is not a crime and has been done for hundreds of
years. But, the prosecutors, or should
we say the anti-Trump prosecutors wanted this statement included in the plea
deal as an impetus for the upcoming election and keep the Mueller investigation
continuing. There is no Russian
collusion by Trump, but we know there was by Hillary and the Democratic
socialist party with the dossier and what we are witnessing in the corruption
within the DOJ, FBI, CIA and State Department.
The media, Mueller and the democrats are desperate to get President
removed from office and are going to resort to anything method or devise any
scheme to do this. Don’t be fooled by
this hateful conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected government by the people
and not the Deep State.
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