So, it is rumored the republicans may have a health care plan to bring to the floor in the House and the democrats are not commenting until they have a chance to read the bill. If my memory is correct, I sought of remember the democrats claiming one must pass the bill before we know what is in it. If this is the Ryan bill with a few amendments, I would not be overly concerned since even if it passes the House, it will either die in the Senate or the Senate will change the bill to what they campaigned on last year and previous elections. Ryan and the Rinos are only interested in pushing back against Trump in what is shaping up as a power play. In the meantime promised legislation is not getting done. Ryan is part of the swamp and he and his friends are trying to drag Trump into the waters. However, Trump has been around the world as a businessman and is well aware of this tactic. Yes, he had originally accepted Ryan's explanation on how to repeal and replace Obamacare since Ryan was supposed to be the expert on getting this legislation through. We now know that it was all about Ryan and not so much about repealing Obamacare. The Ryan three step approach to repeal and replace Obamacare was doomed to fail once the cat was out of the bag. There was no way the 3rd step would have ever been passed. So, rather than do what has to be done and just submit legislation that would repeal Obamacare at a certain date and then pass a comprehensive replacement plan, is beyond Ryan's ability. He should step down and then someone with courage and determination to do legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare without all the dramatics should take charge. We know the democrats used all means to get Obamacare passed, but Ryan doesn't seem to want to put forth legislation that would work knowing the democrats will not support the legislation. The democrats knew in 2009 the republicans would not support the Obamacare bill, but it did not deter them from moving forward.
Rather than live up to what the republicans have been promising since Obamacare passed, Ryan is wimping out and more concerned with his job over what is good for the country. Ryan showed his true colors when he was the VP candidate for Romney and he is advancing that side today. He was a failure then and is a failure now. So right now, it is either Ryan's way or there will be no bill through the House. He knows the Senate will make dramatic changes to his bill, unless McConnell pulls a Ryan and blocks amendment. If McConnell does, the bill will die in the Senate. All this is not what is good for the country, but what is good for them in getting reelected. After all, as I have mentioned many times, Congress works approximately 150 days a year and the president works approximately 365 days a year. Something has to give and it will not be the president.
Members of Congress were elected to work for what is good for the country and not their political careers and to get the job done that they promised during their campaigns over the last 7 years. Trump is trying to live up to his promises, but Congress?
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