On November 19, 1863,
President Abraham Lincoln gave one of the shortest and greatest speeches of his
presidency known as the Gettysburg Address. A part of that speech I believe
reflects what is happening in this country today. “Our fathers brought forth on this continent,
a new nation, conceived in liberty. Now
we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation
so conceived and dedicated can long endure”.
Today, the battle we are engaged in is not a military conflict, but a
battle for the minds and hearts of the citizens of this country. A battle to save our constitution from those
who want to destroy our way of life and the freedoms we have enjoyed for nearly
230 years. There is a desire by
individuals and groups to transform our country to a socialist society where
all power is placed in the hands of the government. In essence, a dictatorship where the
constitution and Bill of Rights are trampled upon. It is time for the American people to demand
change we can believe in as long as the change is getting back to what is
contained in the constitution. We want
our elected officials to read the constitution and to follow this document that
many Americans have shed their blood defending.
Some politicians are trying to force their ideology on us that is
contrary to our constitution. We are a
country of legal immigration and not illegal as some want you to believe.
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