Friday, December 30, 2016
The Hollywood elitist who left the country and more
Before and after the election of Donald Trump, all we heard was all those Hollywood elitist and network personalities, like on the View, make statements that they would be leaving the country. Of course, many of us were willing to take up a collection to help them leave. However, it appears the number of those that have left is very small. In fact, so small that we regret to even print the number. The real number is 0. So, now we know, just like many of socialist democrats, and including Obama, all talk and very little action. Speaking of Obama, when he leaves office he will be living in Washington DC and will go back to the only real job he ever knew, Community Organizer, rallying his socialist/Marxist comrades to block, demonstrate and/or promote actions against the Trump administration. Unlike previous presidents, Obama will attempt wreck havoc on the republican control congress and the Trump administration in a vain attempt to have a legacy. Of course, we see his legacy very easily, with the lowest worker participation in over 40 years, a real unemployment of at least 10%, the slaughter of Christians in the Middle East, the rise of ISIS and the idiotic foreign policy that now includes the exclusion of Israel as a friend and the only democratic government in the Middle East. But, as I have mentioned many times, Obama has never like Israel, England or the United States.
Just examining his policies within our country that has created numerous problems with over regulations, more government control of all aspects of our lives that have continued the low growth thru his 8 years of control. This is what you get when you have an administration of buffoons that never held a real job, have no idea how businesses operate and the fact that one opens a business to make money. Obama's international efforts does not even need a comment when one just has to turn on the TV, read the papers or use the internet to review the happenings and it is easy to see we have taken a huge step backwards in our world leadership and as a result, the global situation is in chaos.
Even the recent actions against Russia is a joke. Russia has never been able to alter our votes since the local voting machines are not connected to the internet. Even the administration has admitted this, but the news media continues to infer that Russia altered our votes to get Trump elected. Nothing further from the truth. But, this keeps the clueless to maintain their anti-Trump campaign. Like was said in the movie Forest Gump, "stupid is what stupid does". Keep the anti-Trump radicals uninformed, and you will see a continued efforts to the crybabies in demonstrating against the Trump administration. It seems after a minimum of 16 years of education, we have raised and graduated children who over their years of education, have lost their ability to actually think for themselves and analyze. Something the Democratic Party comrades do not want to happen for fear the citizens will see through their rhetoric.
Anyway, Happy New Year and after 12noon on January 20th, we will have a new beginning as we return to what our Founding Fathers gave us.
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