Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Trump, the real democrat?
If you
listen to Trump’s message he is essentially using the democratic talking points
when he attacks the other republican candidates. Contrary to what Trump says, he gets his
facts wrong and covers his lies and innuendoes with outlandish statements of half-truths
and untruths. It appears his supporters do not research his
statements that in essence are lies followed by more lies. Remember his views of a few years ago
followed the democratic talking points and many do today. So, if by some freak of nature he gets
elected, we will see no change between him and Hillary as president. They both voice the same talking points,
except Trump does it in a bully, bombastic attack. Listen and verify his words. Trump is saying one thing when history shows
he said something different. However,
when the news media is lazy and will not report the truth (Surprise?) in their
attempt to manipulate the primary process to get the candidates they want and
not what the voters want. Trump cannot
accept any negative comments on his positions and uses his outlandish,
aggressive behavior to bury the negativity with his rhetoric. As I have said many times with Obama, listen
to what is being said and then watch what is being done. Trump is doing the same thing. He is going to make our country great again
in all areas. Military, immigration,
economy, trade and the famous wall, but it short on specifics. Makes one wonder if he will circumvent the
constitution like the Obama administration.
Something to think about.
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