Friday, December 11, 2015
Paul Ryan
For those
who thought that with the departure of John Boehner as House leader things
would change, you now have Paul Ryan, a John Boehner on steroids. Paul Ryan is going to work with the other
weak link in senate, Mitch Mc Connell, and pass all the legislation
conservatives thought would not happen under Paul Ryan. So, the more you think things change, the
more they remain the same. You were
screwed with Boehner and you have to bend over and do it all over again, at
least and hopefully until we have a conservative republican in the White
House. Although, I will admit, black
lives matter may be protesting the name White House as being a racial
term. Naturally, the liberal news media
will take their marching orders and call the president’s residence something
else. Maybe even the president’s
residence. There, I just solved the
problem before it comes up.
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