Wednesday, December 30, 2015
NSA Spying Again on Citizens
So now we
hear that NSA was not only spying on political leaders from other countries,
but members of Congress who were in conversations with Prime Minister Netanyahu
of Israel. So why are we not surprised
by this? We know all countries whether
friend or foe spy on each other, but now we know our government spies on our
elected officials. Of course this goes
back to the 1990’s during the Clinton administration when we had FBI File Gate. That was when it was reported Hillary Clinton
had approximately 400 FBI files, but could not be found, when suddenly they
showed up on a dining room table. Of
course those files were members of the political opposition, AKA Republicans. So, spying on political opposition in this
country has only gotten worse as we have seen with NSA, IRS scandals in the
Obama administration. We saw what happen with Pres. Nixon and Watergate, but God forbid we mention the impeachment with Obama. You will be called a racist. When government
starts spying on its citizens, we do not have a Republic, but a socialist/Marxist
government and out constitution with all its freedoms is lost. Unless, the people become outraged and demand
prosecution of anyone involved in these actions, it will only get worse. So far, have you heard of any prosecutions in
the Obama administration? I don’t think
so. As politicians get away with such
activities, it will only get worse. As I
have said numerous times, our great president was raised by members of the
communist party, (His grandparents, mentor, Frank Marshal Davis and of course
his mother as well as radical terrorist Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn). Hillary was an admirer of Saul Alinsky, and
both Hillary and Obama supported Cloward and Piven policies. All believed in overthrowing the United
States through internal actions by disrupting the system, riots and
demonstrations and political action that included getting elected or appointed
to government positions. Of course we
also know that Hillary has continually lied on the Benghazi debacle and has the
support of her fellow democrats. But,
nearly 80 of these democrats have been supported by communist front organizations
since the 1960’s. Just do a little
research and find out yourself. The
truth is out there, but it does require a little research on your part. Borrowing from Fox News, I am reporting, but
you must research to verify. Remember
former Congressman Alan West made the same allegations when he was in Congress
and it seems nobody did the research.
Now you better or you will lose your country. If you think it is no big deal to lose your
Bill of Rights, just look at Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, North Korea and China and
visualize what will happen to you.
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