According to
our great leader and now England’s Prince Philip, the reason we have ISIS, terrorism
and Syrian refugees is due to climate change, AKA, global warming. If it was not for this, the world would be in
peace and we all would live happily ever after.
So, tell me, are we as humans polluting the atmosphere with carbon
dioxide and other pollutants, or is it all the volcano eruptions we have seen over the last 30
years. Scientist will tell you that
these volcano eruptions have spilled pollution into the atmosphere more
than man in over 200 plus years. But, government
cannot regulate and tax volcanos. Our
great leader and his fellow democrats, including Hillary, believe in government
controlling our lives and not our constitution.
To these individuals, the constitution be dammed, we know better. Imagine, out of a population of 330 million,
our great leader and his minions know more about business, military, world and
domestic issues than the experts. Even
Ben Rhodes a security spokesman knows more than us, even if his degree is in
art. I guess that means he can draw us a
great line of BS, which he does on a regular basis.
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