We might
also add Hillary Clinton was sworn under oath when she testified before Congress
during her original appearance over two years ago and lied to Congress on the
cause of this attack by claiming it was a video. Under oath she lied and that is criminal and
should be prosecuted. But, will
she? After all, we all know that Bill
and Hillary Clinton are also coated with Teflon and someone else always takes
the fall. Who will it be this time? There is no honesty, integrity and trust in Hillary Clinton, but to democrats this does not matter as long as she has the opportunity to be president. Imagine such an individual as president. How will the voters respond? God help us if by some freak of nature Hillary becomes president.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Benghazi Hearings
From the
hearings today, we learned what we all knew to be the truth. That the Benghazi attack on our Ambassador and
compound was a planned attack and Hillary indicated this in Emails that were never
turned over to Congress at the time.
Instead, Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration used the lie of a
film that nobody ever heard of as the impetus for this attack. So, our UN Ambassador Susan Rice went out on
all the news stations that weekend using the excuse that this attack was the
result of a video since Hillary Clinton did not want to go on the Sunday
mornings talk shows. Now we know why,
since she planned on running for president in 2016 and did not want to be part
of this lie. But, this hearing now
confirms what we all knew. Hillary lied
and 4 people died. Proved by her own
Emails sent to her family, (Chelsea) among others that this attack was
planned. But, what difference does it
make since the democrats have handpicked Hillary as their choice for president
and nothing will interfere with this selection and they will do their best to
discredit any person, place or thing that may stand in their way. Not even the corruption involved in the Clinton
Crime Foundation in how the Clinton’s obtained donations through quid pro
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