Friday, July 24, 2015
The Louisiana Shooting
another shooting where people died and again the shooter is reported to have
mental health issues and again, everyone knew and nothing was done. But rest
assured these same liberals that wanted mental health facilities closed will
now be champion gun restrictions. If they want gun restrictions, then the
progressive socialist should push for repeal of the 2nd
Amendment. Something they know will not
happen so they will push for firearm restrictions that will be
unconstitutional, but when you have a president that has a pen and phone, what
does the constitution have to do with this.
These socialist/Marxist do not like the Bill of Rights anyway and
believe all our rights should come from government and not unalienable rights
from God as declared in our Declaration of Independence. After all, they are also trying to remove God
from our lives and makes us a secular society.
That is why they are using Obamacare to go after religious organizations. This is their agenda, no God, no religion and
government becomes your God.
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