Friday, July 10, 2015
Sanctuary Cities
There are
approximately 200 plus sanctuary cities where illegal immigrants can go and not
be arrested for crimes they have committed elsewhere and in those sanctuary
cities they are residing in, if their crime does not generate publicity. However, we all know that the reason we have
sanctuary cities is because of the republicans.
I do not know if the socialist/Marxist democrats have blamed former
Pres. Bush yet, but I am sure that will happen. After all, if there is
something we have learned over the last 10 years is that liberals will not
blame their policy failures on themselves.
When did anyone in the Obama administration take blame for Fast and
Furious, NSA spying, Benghazi, IRS scandal, ISIS overrunning the Middle East
and terrorist attacks in our country.
Oh, excuse me, we have never had a terrorist attack in this country
since 9/11. What we had was just radical
right wing individuals or groups engage in criminal behavior. I mean, Major Hussein and Ft. Hood was just a
disgruntled soldier and considered workplace violence. Workplace violence is the major excuse for
any terror attack or if possible blame the Tea Party. Now we have the Mayor of Baltimore firing the
police commissioner and blaming him for the riots in the city and the mayor of
San Francisco, blaming the sheriff for the release of the illegal immigrant
that killed Kate Steinle. Never allow
anyone use liberal socialist policies as the reason. I think Hitler, Ortega, Castro, Putin have
used those excuses. So, do not be
surprised if Obama, Reid and Pelosi do the same. Right out of the Saul Alinsky “Rules for
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