Thursday, June 25, 2015
Reublican Congres and more
What many
republicans do not understand, at least some do not, is that even if the
republicans won every seat in the House and Senate, they will still be left
with Boehner and McConnell as their leaders in Congress. Two useless individuals who are only out for themselves
and their friends and the public be dammed.
This coming election we will be left with two choices, the
socialist/Marxist democrats and the liberal republicans. Of course, the republicans have not gone so far
left yet, but if they do, welcome to high unemployment and government control
of our lives and we all know how well government works. Just look at Russia today and their past,
Venezuela and Cuba for examples.
Socialism, Marxism and communism does not work, has never worked
contrary to what some professors in college will say. But, Obama believes it does and that is why
we have the lowest worker participation rate in over 40 years, a real
unemployment of close to 16% and an economy that is just sputtering along even
after 6 years of Obamanomics. Of course,
we all know this is not Obama's fault since he has never taken responsibility for any
negatives in his administration. Such is
the life of a sociopath.
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