Warren Buffett and George
Soros both believe that those making over $200,000 should pay more in income
tax. This comes from two exorbitantly rich people that pay very little in taxes
and in George Soros case, he owes $6.7 Billion in back taxes. Both are big supporters of the Democratic
Party and Mr. Soros is also big supporter of radical anarchist. Warren Buffet like other democrats does not
support the XL pipeline since he makes money from the trains that transport
this oil and the pipeline would cut off this income. Hillary and Bill Clinton make their money
from speeches and the Clinton Foundation appears to have made hundreds of
millions of dollars while Hillary was Secretary of State and Bill gave speeches
while favors were given to those who supported their speeches and financially
supported their Foundation. Of course,
since Bill and Hillary are the epitome of honesty, we know there was no quid
pro quo in any of these donations since this is what these two claim. Of
course, this comes down to what Hillary’s definition of “is” is. We already what Bill’s definition of “is” is.
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