Thursday, May 21, 2015
$15 dollars an Hour
If fast food workers want $15 dollars an hour, then the owners of these businesses should only hire those with the minimum of an Associate Degree. Your are looking at $31,200 per year. How many with 4 year degrees are making that much money started out in a job? How many policemen, firemen and emergency personnel are making that much money today? If these workers and unions want this much salary, then the employer should demand the education to support this salary. You want that much money, get educated.
Ramadi, Obama and the World
Is this
administration out of touch? You
decide. Yesterday at the graduation
ceremonies for the U.S. Coast Guard, President Obama stated the greatest threat
to the United States is global warming.
So let’s review that statement.
Putin of Russia has used deception to have his troops invade Ukraine and
threatened the entire Eastern Bloc countries.
Russian planes have come close to entering our airspace as well as
England and other western countries. Russia
is also supporting Iran in developing nuclear fuel for weapons. Iran is threatening the entire Middle East
and has Israel in their sights. Isis is
encouraging lone wolfs to begin attacks in our country and Iran is going to get
a nuclear weapon even though our great negotiating team claims this will not
happen. There are a lot of bridges for
sale if you believe that. North Korea
has just indicated they have developed a small nuclear bomb they can place on
the top of an ICBM and capable of reaching the western coast of the mainland
United States. Isis has just taken over control of Ramadi as
well as other provinces and yet our White House spokesperson indicates this is
just a glitch in our progress. Cities in Iraq and Syria are falling and the
White House calls this a glitch. Middle
East countries have banned together to fight against Iranian supported
terrorist groups in Yemen and other countries while the United States sits and
watches. Venezuela is a failing
socialist, Marxist state, but, this is the same road that the Obama
administration wants to attempt to take us down. China is beginning to flex their muscle in
Asia, using their IT personnel to hack into our government computers along with
Russia and other not so friendly countries.
So the world
is exploding all around us while our security is threatened and the White House
thinks global warming is the biggest threat to our country.
So, who is
really running this country, Valerie Jarrett or Obama? We know Ms. Jarrett was born in Iran and fled
this country with her parents when she was approximately 4 years of age, but
her loyalty is still to Iran, a well-known fact. We also know that our president has a dislike
for England, France, hates Israel and believes the United States is the course of
all the problems in the world. So, if
you sit back and think according to these thoughts, you can understand why the
world is about to explode when we do not provide leadership. Leadership does not necessarily mean a
hundred thousand troops in combat, but it does mean providing and showing
leadership and commitment to accomplish a task to the very end. Something this president and his cronies are
afraid to do. Actually, they are
clueless since their view of the world is what radical professors told them in their
socialist, Marxist professors at Ivy League schools. So, why this president pushes global warming
as the biggest threat, although many actual real scientist have debunk the
corrupted figures he is using, the world burns.
So, we will see this president out playing golf this Memorial Day
weekend, while Christians are slaughtered, and others that resist Isis are
beheaded and burned alive. Remember,
whether you liked President Bush or not, he went to the UN and got a coalition
of the willing and approval of Congress before he went into Iraq. Also, his father also developed a coalition of
Arab countries and other western countries to drive out Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. But to our president, global warming and golf
are his priorities. Will we survive to
the next election? If Hillary, by some
freak of nature becomes president, our country will cease to exist. Think
before voting in 2016. What is more
important, government handouts or safety and securitiy.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
The Liberal Progressive Rich
Warren Buffett and George
Soros both believe that those making over $200,000 should pay more in income
tax. This comes from two exorbitantly rich people that pay very little in taxes
and in George Soros case, he owes $6.7 Billion in back taxes. Both are big supporters of the Democratic
Party and Mr. Soros is also big supporter of radical anarchist. Warren Buffet like other democrats does not
support the XL pipeline since he makes money from the trains that transport
this oil and the pipeline would cut off this income. Hillary and Bill Clinton make their money
from speeches and the Clinton Foundation appears to have made hundreds of
millions of dollars while Hillary was Secretary of State and Bill gave speeches
while favors were given to those who supported their speeches and financially
supported their Foundation. Of course,
since Bill and Hillary are the epitome of honesty, we know there was no quid
pro quo in any of these donations since this is what these two claim. Of
course, this comes down to what Hillary’s definition of “is” is. We already what Bill’s definition of “is” is.