Thursday, April 9, 2015
President Obama and Christianity
President Obama criticizes Christianity again, this time at the Easter prayer
breakfast. He claimed that Christianity
is not living up to their beliefs. When
you think about his statement, you realize there may be some truth in his
statement. Examining what is happening
in the Middle East where we see Christians destroying 1000 year old Mosques,
beheading those who are not Christian, raping women and pillaging villages and
gathering Muslim women for a concubine to give birth to more Christians. Looking at these events in the Middle East,
one can see where the President is correct in his statement. Oh, wait a second,
that was not Christians doing all those evil deeds it was followers of Islam. After all, anyone with religious beliefs and
seeing this evil it may be easy to conclude that these Radical Islamic
Terrorist are really doing the work of Satan and not Allah. We are witnessing a Christian Holocaust in
the Middle East and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin Aka President Obama, has
been doing nothing. The 1930’s all over
again and we know how that ended. But,
if this slaughter was happening to Muslims, President Obama would be out front
demanding the world respond while he leads from behind.
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