Saturday, November 22, 2014
Immigration Fallacy
Obama in issuing his unconstitutional immigration order deceived the American
people again when he claimed these illegal immigrants will add to our economic
output. Of course, what he failed to
tell you is that most of these illegals are low skilled and low educated people
that will work in low skill jobs that pay close to the minimum wage. As a result, these illegals will not be
adding income to the treasury since they will not be paying income taxes and will
be entitled to so called government entitlements such as food stamps, Medicaid,
and other tax programs where they will be getting benefits and money and not
adding income to the economy. In
addition, with the percentage of those working below 63%, the lowest in 40
years, this means some low skilled workers in this country will lose their jobs
to these new illegals that will take a job for less than those already
employed. Just the nature of the beast
as an employer to keep cost down. Oh, I
forgot, we cannot not call them illegal, but undocumented people. Another lie.
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