Thursday, July 24, 2014
Obama and his blinders
Sgt. Tahmooressi remains
in a Mexican jail after he made a wrong turn and ended up at the border
crossing. He admitted at the border he
made a wrong turn and had 3 guns in his truck.
Oops, to jail he goes. Meanwhile
Mexican federal troops cross over into our border fully armed and we let them
return. However, our illustrious president
has never commented on this soldier’s incarceration since the first day. Yet, when he claimed the police acted
stupidly in Massachusetts, he had to comment quickly. When Treyvon Martin was shot, he had to
comment immediately. When an NBA player
admits being gay, this president called him.
When a college football player admits being gay, he called him. When Benghazi happened, he went to California
to fund raise. While his administration
is involved in one scandal after another he goes out on campaign fund
raising. We have a world crisis in the
Middle East, Eastern Europe in the Ukraine, Asia with China infringing on
islands claimed by Japan, and a border crisis that is beyond belief, but this president
continues campaign fund raising. This president
is only interested in the perks of the job and not what is going on around the
world. But, if you read Saul Alinsky,
you understand Obama. Will we survive
the rest of his term? Will the world
survive the rest of his term? The world
needs a leader and we have always provided that leadership, but under Obama, we
are leaderless. The world burns and this
president ignores it. Lead and our
friends will follow. But, when you have a clueless leader, this is what you
get, weakness. The Republicans must take
the Senate this fall even though they are crap also, but not as large as their
democratic opposition.
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