One of the architect's of the Obamacare law just agreed with
Neil Cavuto on Fox Business that at the end of 10 years, there still will be
approximately 30 million people uninsured.
Now, if my memory is correct, the whole purpose of this law was to get
the uninsured, insured. The numbers
thrown out as I mentioned previously kept changing from 15 million uninsured to
46 million. Neil Cavuto on his show
Thursday crunched the stats with the help of other organizations on Obamacare
and came out with a number of one (1 ) million who actually benefited from
Obamacare. So, if the truth be
known, we screwed up the insurance of
300 million just to get government in control of our lives. This shows it was not about getting
insurance for the uninsured, but to get government to control our medical
decisions. That is, what procedures
will be paid for, what doctors we can see and who will pay for this service and
what doctors will get paid. This is
why many of those getting insurance under Obamacare cannot see their present
doctors and cannot get the medical service they were receiving. Actually, this is all about Eugenics that
the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, wanted to promote and this
was what Hitler and the Nazis followed in their extermination of not only the
Jews, but those who were mentally, physically or developmentally disabled. The Nuremberg trial of Hitler's generals
brought this out. Just what Margaret Sanger
espoused. However, she also included
the elimination of the black race. Due
your own investigation and you will see.
The lies this administration throws out there will continue unless they
are challenged. The way to do this is
to vote all those that voted for this law out of office this November. That is how we get the attention of our
elected officials that this is a bad law and needs to be repealed and replaced.
The time to hear and listen to the congressional bullshit is over and we need
to take our country back from these elected officials who only think of
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