So Secretary of State John Kerry does not have anything nice
to say about Israel. So what else is new.
Pres. Obama is not a fan of Israel either. In fact his entire administration is anti-Israel. Calls to have Secretary Kerry to resign will
go unheeded. Except for Kathleen Sebelius,
nobody resigns from this administration.
From Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA, IRS, AP scandals, nobody has
resigned. If Secretary Kerry was to
resigned, that would show what we already know that Secretary Kerry is
incompetent and President Obama is clueless on world issues. In fact, he is clueless on all issues. Just that he has a compliant media that
would not know how to investigate a news report unless the person being
investigated has an "R" after their name. If this country survives a second Obama term, we all better get
down on our knees and thank God. That
is if we are even able to mention God in this country by that time.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Friday, April 25, 2014
It is becoming clear now
The news media has reported the past week based on recent
medical studies that smoking marijuana will cause brain damage and in the long
run heart problems. The brain damage we
can see quite clearly. Remember both
President Obama and AG Eric Holder reported that they smoked marijuana in their
early years. Maybe today we are seeing
the results of their youthful
behavior. What other explanation for
their action or lack thereof can they claim.
At least we can see clearly now.
As for heart problems, we will have to see what the future holds.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Similarities between Putin and Obama
Since President Obama has shown extreme weakness in
addressing international incidents, particularly in all the Middle East
conflicts where Red Lines have been crossed almost daily, President Putin
believes he can do whatever he wants and not have to worry about any real
threatening response. That is why he is
helping Iran with nuclear development,
Assad in Syria and went into Crimea with only rhetoric from our
president. So, every time Putin can
stop laughing, he moves his undercover troops into Ukraine to create unrest and
eventually use the ruse that he must protect the ethnic Russians in these
countries so he will send his troops into Ukraine.
Now the similarity is how President Obama deals with issues
at home. He believes with the spineless
republican leaders in both houses of congress, he can issue executive orders
and ignore the constitution since he will only receive the usual
Boehner/McConnell rhetoric, but nothing else.
Nothing to fear here. Just like
Putin sees inaction in the Middle east and Ukraine, President Obama sees he has
nothing to fear whether it is the allegations of corruption throughout all the government
agencies or ignoring the constitution. Just
move along, nothing to see here. Putin
learned quickly on how weak his opposition is and President Obama has done the
same here. Of course, if the clueless
voters remain clueless, we will see more of this throughout his term.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Harry Reid and Terrorist
So Sen. Reid believes the people that went to Nevada to help
Cliven Bundy at his ranch against the well armed government Bureau of Land Management are
actually terrorist. Well, if memory
serves me correctly, I do believe close friends of Pres. Obama, Bill Ayers and
Bernadette Dorn are admitted terrorist and actually engaged in bombings in the
1960's where people died. Do we have
guilt by association that makes Pres. Obama a terrorist? I am only using Sen. Reid's logic. Oh, I forgot, liberals, socialist and
Marxist could never be terrorist regardless of what acts they do. Terrorist can only be republicans,
conservatives, Tea Party groups, Christians and returning veterans. At least that is according to some leading
democrats that has never been denied by Obama and company.
Why does an agency that is involved in land management need well armed enforcement officers when all they have to do is get the assistance of local law enforcement to serve any papers. What we are witnessing is government agencies well arming themselves that can be used against citizens that disagree with the Feds. There were so many law enforcements officers on this site, that if they actually moved them to our southern border, maybe we could stop the influx of illegals. Oh, again I forgot, that would not be politically correct and might offend people, so it is better to use all these armed agents to protect a turtle. After all turtles, trees and the Delta Smelt have rights too except the unborn baby.
Why does an agency that is involved in land management need well armed enforcement officers when all they have to do is get the assistance of local law enforcement to serve any papers. What we are witnessing is government agencies well arming themselves that can be used against citizens that disagree with the Feds. There were so many law enforcements officers on this site, that if they actually moved them to our southern border, maybe we could stop the influx of illegals. Oh, again I forgot, that would not be politically correct and might offend people, so it is better to use all these armed agents to protect a turtle. After all turtles, trees and the Delta Smelt have rights too except the unborn baby.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
So now we know
A recent report indicates that use of marijuana can lead to
brain damage. Now this explains a lot
since both President Obama and AJ Eric Holder both stated they smoked
marijuana. And we were wondering why
the act the way they do. Rest assured,
they are surrounded by like individuals.
I wonder if they are growing their own?
After all they all indicate we must do more investing (spending for
those that just landed from another planet) and maybe they are going to do this
to help balance the budget. Of course,
after a few puffs, they wouldn't know a balance budget from the nearly $18
Trillion in debt.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Tax Day
If you lie to the IRS, attempt to defraud the IRS, withhold
income from the IRS you will pay a penalty and/or go to jail.
If you work for the IRS, and lie, deceive, threatened the
taxpayer, or lie, deceive and withhold information to Congress, you can retire
and get a nice pension paid for by the taxpayer you threatened. Isn't our country wonderful.
Census Bureau
When President Obama and his leftist west wing crew decided
to remove control of the Census Bureau from control of the Commerce Secretary
before the 2010 census, the republicans screamed, but nobody listened. Now we have learned that the fears that the
Census Bureau could be corrupted by the left west wing crew have been proven
It seems the Census Bureau has been directed to change
the wording of the questions they asked relating to health care coverage so
there is no possibility that the collected data can be checked against previous
collected data. Naturally, this will
make it impossible to assess the effects of the ACA (AKA Obamacare). This will result in a reduction in the
number of uninsured due to the questions asked. Gee, I guess we can expect these great statistics to be released
just before the November election and the uninformed, clueless voters will hear
these lies and based his election candidate selection on this information. Of course, the useless news media will spin
this to benefit those candidates they support which usually are the
socialist/Marxist variety.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
States rights, First Amendment Rights
We have a government going after a Nevada farmer for having
his cattle on public land that the Bureau of Land Management took control over
some 20 years ago. The same land that
this cattle rancher was paying his county and state government for use, but
believed the federal government had no right to override state rights. They are cutting off this rancher's grazing
rights because of what they call protecting a turtle.
Again, in California, farmers cannot not get water to their
farming land due to the EPA cutting off the water supply because of the Delta
Smelt, a small tiny fish.
Isn't it amazing how this government protects a turtle and a
tiny fish, but will not protect the life of the unborn. For our government, life has little value but
God forbid you endanger a fish, turtle or a tree.
And we ask ourselves why do we have children killing
children. We have cheapen life and what
we witness is the end result.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Obamacae numbers and reality
One of the architect's of the Obamacare law just agreed with
Neil Cavuto on Fox Business that at the end of 10 years, there still will be
approximately 30 million people uninsured.
Now, if my memory is correct, the whole purpose of this law was to get
the uninsured, insured. The numbers
thrown out as I mentioned previously kept changing from 15 million uninsured to
46 million. Neil Cavuto on his show
Thursday crunched the stats with the help of other organizations on Obamacare
and came out with a number of one (1 ) million who actually benefited from
Obamacare. So, if the truth be
known, we screwed up the insurance of
300 million just to get government in control of our lives. This shows it was not about getting
insurance for the uninsured, but to get government to control our medical
decisions. That is, what procedures
will be paid for, what doctors we can see and who will pay for this service and
what doctors will get paid. This is
why many of those getting insurance under Obamacare cannot see their present
doctors and cannot get the medical service they were receiving. Actually, this is all about Eugenics that
the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, wanted to promote and this
was what Hitler and the Nazis followed in their extermination of not only the
Jews, but those who were mentally, physically or developmentally disabled. The Nuremberg trial of Hitler's generals
brought this out. Just what Margaret Sanger
espoused. However, she also included
the elimination of the black race. Due
your own investigation and you will see.
The lies this administration throws out there will continue unless they
are challenged. The way to do this is
to vote all those that voted for this law out of office this November. That is how we get the attention of our
elected officials that this is a bad law and needs to be repealed and replaced.
The time to hear and listen to the congressional bullshit is over and we need
to take our country back from these elected officials who only think of
The plane again
I guess if you have been watching the news lately you realize that there is very little news about the missing plane from Malaysia, flight MH370. So, since no debris has been found in the Indian Ocean, can Lt. General McInerney have been correct that the plane has landed in another country? But, the expert, Bill O'Reilly, has incdicated the plane crashed in the ocean since he only deals in facts. Of course he never has indicated the facts he has that 27 other nations don't know about. But he is the number 1 progam for 14 years, so he must be accurate. We know he does not bloviate.
Other news media outlets that were covering this plane mystery for 24 hours have gone silent. However, where the plane is is very important since the actions of the plane and those that were flying the plane must be known. If the plane is on land, it will be used as a weapon against Israel or us, either our military in the Persian Gulf or elsewhere. Where this plane went, must be known. Either on land or sea, but must be known. The fact that no debris has been discovered is a mystery in itself, especially when you consider all the debris that came ashore to our couintry from the Japanese Tsunami from thousand of miles away and the plane that crashed in the Long Island Sound, TWA Flight 800, in July 1996 where debris went all the way up the east coast. Hopefully, we will find answers before disaster strikes if it landed. Either way, the family needs answers and our prayers go out to them. Now, am I still allowed to say pray?
Congressman Jim Moran
So Congressman
Jim Moran from Virginia believes he is underpaid and should receive more than
the $174,000 plus he now receives.
Maybe, this congressman should quit his job like many others that feel
they are underpaid and apply for one of the many jobs President Obama's
policies have created. If he lived in
the real world he would realize that he is overpaid by at least $100,000. Our Founders believed being elected to
congress was not suppose to be a lifetime occupation, so hopefully the voters
in his district will send him packing back to the real world. This is what is wrong with those in
Congress. They are clueless.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Isn't it Amazing
April 1 comes and we know there is usually jokes played on people as this is
also known as APRIL FOOL DAY. Now for
months, the Obama administration could not give us sign up numbers for
Obamacare and yet, low and behold, on April 1 we get a number of 7,047,000 or
as they spin it as 7.1 million who signed up for Obamacare. Of course they cannot tell us who are the
Millennials, seniors, who had no insurance or who were previously insured but
lost their insurance as a result of Obamacare.
the spin we are going to get is that 90% of these people had no insurance. The reason is that these 90% had insurance
before, but because of Obamacare lost that insurance, so therefore they were
uninsured. There is no way they are
going to tell you that the 15, 30 or 40 million people that did not have
insurance (this number keeps on changing) got insurance. Something else to consider is that all this
has been done by spending over $800 million dollars to insure the so called 7.1
million people. Do the math. You would think we could have just spent
half that amount on improving Medicaid.
But if we did, we would not have gotten what this is all about,
government control of our lives.
can expect with the republicans under control of the establishment of Boehner
and McConnell that we will probably see little action, since the republicans
are usually clueless on what to do.
They talk a good line, but under this establishment leadership nothing
gets done. After 4 years, and all the
problems with Obamacare that seem to come out almost every week, they should
have developed a comprehensive plan to replace Obamacare that would meet what
the public would want. But, that would
require actually putting it on paper and then selling it. However, they do promise if they get control
of the Senate and keep the House they will put forward a plan. They are afraid what the liberal news media
will say about their plan. We know the
media believes Obama walks on water, so will find things wrong with any plan
put forth by the republicans. If you
believe your plan is better, you defend it, but we know the republicans are
experts in putting their foot in their mouth.
Besides, they intend to run this election on Obamacare when the world is
ready to explode, our standing in the world is sinking, our military is
declining, our economy is not moving, incomes are down and we continue to print
money and I might add, it appears based on his statements the past few months,
Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid has lost it.
the republicans have indicated they will put forth a health insurance plan
sometime in May, so we will have to wait and see what that contains and how
they will promote it. If by some freak
of nature they can actually sell their plan to the public and actually win the
senate, they can pass the plan and let Obama veto it and use the ammunition for
the 2016 election as Obamacare cost rise and people lose their doctor. But this would require intelligent thinking
and we know we are talking about establishment republicans here. Another reason we need Tea Party candidates
in Congress. The elections in 2014 and
maybe 2016 may just be our last free elections, at least as we believe the word
free means. DOJ, the IRS, ICE and other
agencies controlled by the White House are doing their best to gain control of
the election process through their policies and actions or lack thereof.