So the republicans are complaining ( in addition to many
Americans) that President Obama is exceeding his executive authority with all
the executive orders he has released.
Yet, many in the mainstream media as well as other democrats say other
presidents have issued much more in the same time frame. But, we must look at the substance of each
order over the number of executive orders.
When the president takes it upon himself to change laws passed by
Congress, the question to ask is he exceeding his executive powers? According to the U.S. Constitution, only
congress can pass laws and only congress can change laws. So, has the president exceeded the power of
his office? This president like all
elected officials has taken an oath to defend the constitution from both
foreign and domestic threats. Sometimes
I wonder if that threat included himself.
But, while the republicans in congress complain, we see no one taken any
action either through going to court or actually saying the "I" word,
Impeachment. When a president is guilty
of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, he can be impeached. This involves charges bringing brought by the House (controlled
by republicans) and sent to the Senate ( controlled by democrats), but with the
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Judge Roberts, the judge in charge of the
hearing. So evidence would be presented
and then voted by the senate either yea or nay. However, evidence supporting the impeachment if presented without
political rhetoric, then the public would see how the constitution was violated
and even if the democrats voted no, the public would have the opportunity to
see all the evidence. Now, this seems
simple enough for either option, court or impeachment, but we must not forget
that most republicans under the leadership of John Boehner and Mitch McConnell
are spineless and will not challenge the president through actions. They only use words that sound good, but in
life we know actions speak louder than words.
The republicans are more concerned about getting elected in the fall
over anything that may affect their chances, since we all know that the
"R" word racist would surface by the well known puppets of the
democrats. But it is nice to see Sen.
Rand Paul is taking the Obama administration, NSA and DOJ to court over their
listening to our communications without getting individual search warrants that
is supposed to be guaranteed by the 4th amendment. Either we have a Bill of Rights or we do not and we must support
Sen. Paul over this endeavor. Our
freedoms are at stake. If the
administration wins on this issue, your entire freedoms are going the way of
the 8 track.
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