Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Patty Murray reach a budget deal
that actually fails to address our bulging deficit, reckless spending, but does
mean a great possibility of their reelection next fall. Rep. Ryan claims this
deal will save $23 Billion over ten years or a better way to look at it is $2.3
Billion saving a year. Of course, we
spend more than $2.3 Billion every week and this does not address the nearly $1
Trillion deficit increase that we have seen every year since President Obama
took office. So, we can expect our $17
Trillion deficit increase to over $21 Trillion during the remaining term of
President Obama. Both parties just
continue to spend money we don't have, the Federal Reserve continues to print
money that reduces the value of our currency, and Congress continues to kick
the can down the road. Remember, it is
not about reducing our deficit, cutting spending or our constitution, but it is
about making sure they get reelected, enjoy their $174,000 salary plus perks,
keeping their party in power and if the country collapses, they know they will
no longer be members of Congress, but will be members of the Proletariat. The clueless voters will continue to support
and reelect these people of both parties and it is up to both parties to make
sure the clueless voter remains clueless.
Throw the voter a bone periodically to keep them happy, continue the
lies and deception until the 2014 election and then it is business as usual. It seems, Profiles in Courage are definitely
lacking here. But then again,
politicians have no courage to face tough situations, but will always take the
easy road and just kick the can down that road. Maintaining their position of power is their priority. And they mocked Sen. Ted Cruz that actually
took a stand, whether you like him or not, he did what he told the voters who
elected him he would do. It is just
that we need another 400 more with similar courage. Lots of luck when you realize the each party likes to hand pick the candidates they want us to vote for, except for people like Ted Cruz and others that ran against the establishment and we see the results. Rest assured, each party is going to make sure this does not happen in 2014. God forbid we actually see candidates that reflect our views over the establishment.
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