This government is getting out of hand with their NSA spying
scandal. Nothing is safe and when
government is spying on their citizens, we have anarchy and now you know what
it was like to live in the former Soviet Union and their satellite
countries. First it was just those
making phone calls from the U.S. to Middle Eastern countries, then it ballooned
to only 330 million Americans, now it is anything and everyone in the
world. Today we learned the NSA spied
on Google and Yahoo worldwide. Under
the Obama administration, no one is safe from the prying eyes of
government. And we thought Orwell's
1984 was just a book. Unless the
American people speak out and demonstrate outrage and demand the NSA close down
their Utah spy center, you will never get government changed. Believe it when I tell you that the NSA is
being used by the Obama administration to spy on their political opponents and
unless the American people wake up, you will witness your government being
taken over by subversives with their objective to destroy this country that has
been the goal of Obama for over 25 years.
Unless of course, you like to be subservient to government that will
tell you how to live, what to eat, what to drive, where to live, what job to
have and all you have to do is roll over and allow it to happen. The choice is yours. Be independent or dependent on government
for everything. But remember, what
government giveth government can taketh.
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