So, we listen in to phone conversations from two top Al
Qaeda leaders, Ayman al-Zawahri and Nasir al Wuhayshi, the leader of the
affiliate in Yemen and then we let the entire world know that we heard their
conversations. This is an obvious
attempt by this administration to show that the NSA spying scandal is needed,
even though we all know that 300 Million citizens in this country are not and
have no connection whatever with a terrorist or terror organization. We also know, it does not take a brain
surgeon to know that these terrorist will not use that form of communication
again. But why are we not
surprised? After all, after we killed
Osama B. Laden, the president went on TV almost immediately to tell the
American public that Osama has been killed and rather than wait an indefinite
period of time while we could review all the information collected in the raid
to see if we could apprehend more people.
But not this president, who believes gaining political points is more important
that this country's security. And we
respond to this alleged terrorist threats by closing numerous embassies but did
not respond to Benghazi threats. So,
this administration gets caught with the Benghazi scandal, Fast and Furious,
IRS, NSA, AP & James Rosen scandal, the not so much reported State Dept.
sex scandal (to protect Hilary) and instead of coming out and giving us the
facts, they manipulate the press reports and deny, defer and blame someone
else, like former President Bush, rogue agents in Cincinnati IRS office, a
movie nobody heard about and we are only doing what the Patriot Act says we can
do. Anything but the truth and the news
media buys into it since they are so much in love with president Obama. The
truth cannot be found in this administration.
Now, whether you like former President Bush or not, you can rest assured
that if the Bush administration did what this administration is doing, we would be
holding impeachment hearings and there would be special prosecutors
investigating these scandals as well as select committees in Congress doing
hearings and investigations. But, not
against this administration which only goes to show that neither the news media
or democrats in congress will do anything that would affect their party or
their attempts to gain control of the House and Senate in 2014. Power and government control of the people
is more important than the constitution.
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