Obama is off and running on the campaign trail promoting a gun ban doing the
one thing he enjoys and the perks that go with the travel, rather than address
the Middle East burning, threats to Israel, problems with North Korea and the
expanding deficit and uncontrollable spending.
It only goes to show, he has no answers for the other problems since the
real answer is in conflict with his socialist/Marxist ideology where only
government can solve the problems. He
believes and his followers believe only an Ivy League graduate can address the
issues even though most of those graduates in his administration are clueless
on what a real job is and how business works.
We know from experience that their ideology did not work in the former
Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela and how China has awaken to that fact, although
they are still trying to control their economy but will not be successful once
their citizens realize that capitalism actually works contrary to what they
were taught. This administration believes
they are more intelligent then the rest of America because of their elitist
education. Hopefully, we can survive
the next 4 yours before we collapse form their socialist ideas.
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