Isn't it interesting how President Obama does not accept
responsibility for the failures in his administration. The first 4 years it was all President
Bush's fault and it seems the next 4 years it will be those nasty
Republicans. Anybody or thing but him. As he previously stated it was the Tsunami,
mall Kiosks, weather etc, everything but his administration. And now we have the Sequester where he
blames the Republicans for the Sequester when all signs point to him and his
fellow democrats as the culprits. But,
just like a little child who brings the only ball to a game and is not selected
and states since I am not playing, I am taking my ball and going home. This
child like behavior is evident in closing the WH to visitors and blaming the
Secret Service. As we have learned from
leaked Emails, his agency heads are directing their subordinates to make sure
they can inflict as much pain as possible on the public when making cuts so his
administration can blame the Republicans.
When will the lamestream media wake up and realize they are pawns in his
agenda to transform this country into a socialist/Marxist society where all
power and decision making is in the hands of a few academics or like they call
themselves, the intelligentsia. After
all, he has surrounded himself with many Harvard/ Yale as well as other Ivy
league graduates where they believe they are better educated and know better
and can succeed where others pushing the socialist/Marxist agenda did not
succeed since they did not have the education they received. Of course, these same individuals have never
held a real job in their lives, but have been feeding from the public trough
since graduating.
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