Thursday, October 4, 2012
The Debate
It appeared that Obama may have been under the illusion that his friends in the liberal media were going to give him soft questions that he has been getting the past 5 years. Obama would rather be flying around the country giving speeches, playing golf or enjoying vacation spots that we pay for. This man was never vetted, never asked tough questions and has been sheltered most of his life from being questioned. Regardless of what the spin masters may claim, and Obama's world view and his Middle East strategy collapsing, the next debate will not be any better. Romney will be prepared about the Arab spring, Benghazi, Iran, Afghanistan and a president that cannot call the Islamist terrorist what they are, the Fort Hood shooter as workplace violence and our wars, overseas contingency operations and too many other problems to mention. We now can see that this is the most unprepared person for the presidency this country has ever had. But with that being said, we also know the Chicago way, so we must be prepared for the lies and false accusations that his followers will make. I am sure, somewhere in Romney's past, that when he was in diapers, he may have wet his diapers or even worst, did a Bob Beckel in his pants. I am sure that Obama followers will then call him out as a polluter.
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