Friday, October 26, 2012
As Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin reported today, 10/26/12, there was a call for help from Ambassador Stevens compound as they were under attack and Navy Seal Tyrone Woods who was at the CIA annex wanted to respond but was told to "stand down". By who, is unknown at this time. However, being a Navy Seal, Tyrone Woods ignored the order and responded with others from the annex to the Ambassador's location. They were able to find the body of Sean Smith, but were unable to locate the Ambassador. Under heavy fire, they were able to extract those at the compound using armored vehicles back to the annex where the fighting continued. Navy Seal Tyrone Woods and others in the Ambassador's compound boarded three armored vehicles and drove back to the annex while taking tremendous gunfire along the entire route to the point where they were driving on the vehicle rims when they arrived at the annex. At this location, Woods was joined by Navy Seal Glen Doherty and other responders where they made two more calls for help. Again, no response. They had in their possession and used a laser to guide a laser guided missile to the location of the mortar that was being used against them. But, again no response. Why was their no response from our military and the White House? Well, one must understand what this administration was engaged in. This administration was running weapons through the Muslim Brotherhood to the rebels in Syria, that are mostly affiliated with Al Qaeda. This operation was also used to furnish the rebels in Libya with weapons, form the money that was supposedly being sent for medial aid. Our government was supplying weapons to two groups that have vowed to destroy Israel and the United States.
A little over an hour before the initial attack, Ambassador Stevens met with the Turkish Ambassador at the Benghazi compound. The other question to ask, is why was Ambassador Stevens meeting with the Turkish Ambassador? Navy Seals Doherty and Woods were CIA covert operators that were attempting to find the location of all these weapons. At the same time, there was in a Turkish port a supply ship loaded with tons of weapons that were going to the Muslim Brotherhood for distribution as indicated above. Of course, it does not take a brain surgeon to know that some if not most of these weapons were going to be used against our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and were probably use in the Benghazi attack. This was the reason Ambassador Stevens was meeting with the Turkish Ambassador.
Ambassador Stevens was the "The Man Who Knew Too Much" and because of the political ramifications that could cause Pres. Obama's defeat if this information was made public, his life became expendable. Getting elected was priority #1 and the life of anyone who may upset the President's election bid, be dammed.
There were two drones flying over the beleaguered Ambassador compound and annex giving real time video back to the White House situation room so there was no excuse for claiming no knowledge of the event and trying to claim it was all about a movie.
Supplying weapons to our enemies is criminal and the President, Secretary of State, Defense Secretary and others need to be Impeached, if not charged with murder for Non-feasance. People must be indicted, convicted and serve jail time.
Navy Seal Tyrone Woods should be given the Medal Of Honor for his actions.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Isn't interesting how just about 30 days out from the election the unemployment number mysteriously declines from 8.1 to 7.8 based on only 114,000 jobs created and what appears to be a fictitious number of over 800,000 jobs created in homes. I guess now we know why President Obama seemed disinterested during the debate. He knew what was coming. When was the last time we counted the mysterious jobs created from home and how can that be verified? Seems to be a volatile number.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
The Debate
It appeared that Obama may have been under the illusion that his friends in the liberal media were going to give him soft questions that he has been getting the past 5 years. Obama would rather be flying around the country giving speeches, playing golf or enjoying vacation spots that we pay for. This man was never vetted, never asked tough questions and has been sheltered most of his life from being questioned. Regardless of what the spin masters may claim, and Obama's world view and his Middle East strategy collapsing, the next debate will not be any better. Romney will be prepared about the Arab spring, Benghazi, Iran, Afghanistan and a president that cannot call the Islamist terrorist what they are, the Fort Hood shooter as workplace violence and our wars, overseas contingency operations and too many other problems to mention. We now can see that this is the most unprepared person for the presidency this country has ever had. But with that being said, we also know the Chicago way, so we must be prepared for the lies and false accusations that his followers will make. I am sure, somewhere in Romney's past, that when he was in diapers, he may have wet his diapers or even worst, did a Bob Beckel in his pants. I am sure that Obama followers will then call him out as a polluter.