Monday, August 13, 2012
What we do know about Pres. Obama?
Although Pres. Obama has gone through extensive cost to prevent access to his college transcripts, we do know some things.
He first put his foot on the United States continent when he was 20 years old. He attended Occidental College in California for one year where he had failing grades and engaged in more partying and drug use that even this liberal college could take. So he left Occidental College and was admitted to Columbia.
Now we know, getting into Columbia is not easy and not cheap. But it is also known that he gained entry into the United States using am Indonesian passport and claiming to be an Indonesian citizen under the name Barry Sotoro not Barack Obama. By the use of claiming Indonesia citizenship it was easier to enter college as an exchange student and also gain admittance to an Ivy league school that most U.S. citizens could not afford. So the next question is, who helped finance this venture? A question that is difficult to answer and is buried in his school records.
We know while in Columbia college, his grades were not spectacular and his attendance left a lot to be desired. However, because of his heritage, his use of foreign citizenship, his professors saw no problem giving him passing grades since proficiency in course knowledge and attendance is really an option in Ivy league schools. The money paid for the courses is more important than knowledge that one may gain in the classroom.
Therefore, how did he gain access to Harvard with poor grades and attendance. A good question in addition to who also funded this college tuition? All this is buried and sealed by lawyers representing Pres. Obama. The question that must be asked is why and what is this president hiding that he does not want the public to know?
What we do know of course, at least partially, is what he wrote in his Thesis. In that paper he explained how a president, with the help of political appointed cabinet members, can easily transform the United States from a prospering capitalist country to a floundering socialist/Marxist ideology that would internally destroy the country without firing a shot. This could be easily done by issuing Executive Orders that would take a long time before Congress could get a court to overrule such orders. These Executive Orders would include government rules and regulations that would through time put a strangle hold on business both small and large to the point that they would either go out of business, be forced to reduce employees or capitulate to government demands. This would increase unemployment, thereby increasing unemployment benefits and would also have a direct correlation to increasing the welfare rolls. Both that would increase government dependency and make it difficult for those receiving these benefits to vote the administration out of office.
Also, by reducing the so called carbon footprint of the United States by reducing coal and oil production and encourage 3rd world countries to produce such products that the United States would purchase as a form of redistribution of U.S. funds to foreign countries to bring their standard of living up and bring the U.S. standard down to equalize the world so one country is not far superior to any other country.
Furthermore, his Thesis also discussed reducing the influence religion has on the American public by using various methods to create barriers to religious organizations by instituting rules and regulations that would be contrary to their belief. Thereby create a schism between these organizations and non-religious citizens as well as those who are religious but would bow to government programs that they would be brainwashed into believing would be beneficial to the entire citizenry provided of course those pushing such programs use the correct words and phrases to get the public to buy into such ideas. He also quoted the Nazis government of the 1930"s who always claimed that if you tell a lie often enough, people would begin to believe it as true even though is was not.
It is interesting that Pres. Obama chose this terror political government, especially from someone who was raised in the Marxist/communist ideology by his grandparents and his mentor a Frank Marshall Davis, both of whom were card carrying members of the communist party.
So now you know part of the rest of the story. Isn't it strange, this is the first president that the country and the world has very little information on in his life until he began work as a community organizer and then ran for state senator in Illinois. His first 30 years are just a blur on his life and even his other mentor, the ever popular Rev. Wright is now buried in the archives of his life no longer to be heard from just like his first 30 years. And some claim he was qualified to be president, even though it has been well established, based on his associations with former terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn and his association with felon Tony Rezko, he would not pass a security clearance in government. How scary is that?
If the citizens of this country continue to keep their head in the sand or believe the rhetoric from this president and his minions, they will awaken just like the people in Germany did, and asked the question, "How the hell did we let this happen and what about our Constitution." When 49% of the working public pay no income tax and approximately 100 million citizens receive some form of government assistance, excluding Medicare and Social Security, this administration already has nearly 50% of the voters in their pocket. If they continue to twist the truth, tell their lies and the people do not investigate what is truth or fiction, then they will have succeeded in accomplishing exactly what Pres Obama claimed could be done in his Thesis. Destroy this country. That is his main objective, make no doubt about it.
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