Friday, June 29, 2012
Obama the liar
For two years President Obama and his administration insisted in television interviews and news conferences that Obamacare was not a tax but government right under the Commerce clause in the Constitution to mandate citizens to purchase a product such as health insurance. However, the lawyers that represented the administration before the Supreme Court defended Obamacare by insisting it was a tax that Congress has the authority under the 16th Amendment. The Supreme Court ruled that the individual mandate was a tax. President Obama, Senator Harry Reid and Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi all lied and deceived the American public by claiming the individual mandate was not a tax. In fact, all those members of Congress that voted for Obamacare lied, deceived and falsely represented Obamacare to the American public.
In addition on the same day on the Supreme Court ruling, the House of Representatives voted contempt charges against Attorney General Eric Holder for refusing to give the House Oversight Committee the papers requested even though President Obama invoked Executive Privilege on this matter. Is this more lies and deception to avoid these papers being made public that may show the involvement of the Obama administration in Fast and Furious?
We are now learning that much of the information in President Obama's book titled "Dreams From My Father" is fantasy and made up which is just fancy terms for more lies and deception. This President has never been vetted properly by the news media even up to today and yet what we are learning over time is this President's life seems to have many untruths or as some may say, lies.
The last two Presidents that were accused of lying in the last forty years, one resigned from office and the other went through an impeachment hearing. This President must be removed from office and we must do this in November. This will give him more time to write another book that should be titled "Lies From My President". This way, before we even read the book, we will know if will be full of lies and we will not be deceived this time.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Evil, Antichrist or just another Marxist?
Who to votefor. The answer is very simple and I will explain why? ABO. Anybody But Obama and why I say that is you must understand who Obama is and where he game from. He is the first candidate for president that the news media did not examine or vetting as they like to say. So who is this person. During the 2008 campaign, we knew everything possible about Sarah Palin even when she twisted her ankle playing basketball, where it happen and the time of the game when it happen. But, very little about Obama. We now know much more and it can be very frightening.
We know his father came from Kenya, but we also know at that time Kenya was not a country, but under the control of the British government. Even though the birth certificate says the father came from Kenya. But that is another problem. His father was a Marxist, hated all colonial countries which included all the former European colonial countries and the United States. His mother named Stanley Ann Durham was also a Marxist and may have been a card carrying member of the communist party. But then again, what is the difference between a communist and a Marxist. Very little if any. Her parents, his grandparents, lived in the state of Washington and were members of the communist party. The grandparents introduced him to Frank Marshall Davis as his mentor and he was also a member of the communist party. Also, he was investigated by the FBI in 1950 and was identified as a member of the communist party and Mr. Davis admitted being a communist. In his own words, when he went to school, Obama sought out the radicals, Marxist, communist, Chicanos students and professors. Again, his words not mind. From his book "Dreams From My Father". Notice the title is not Dreams Of My Father. He is living his father's dream that was Anti-American, Anti-England and Anti-Israel. That in itself explains why he is not pro Israel. Remember, after 9/11 the British government gave President Bush as a memento a bust of Winston Churchill to remind them of their solidarity with us under terrorist attack. However, 3 days after Obama took office, Obama returned the bust of Churchill to England. To this day, it sits in their embassy in Washington.
He also was a Muslim for most of his life until he began attending Rev. Wright's church approximately 25 years ago. And normally, if you convert from a Muslim to another religion they will put a Fatwa out against you, meaning to kill you. That is a no no. He can quote from the Quran much better than from the Bible which he changes to suit his speeches.
Obama has never held a real job, was a community organizer, is not a constitutional lawyer, although some try to say he is, but taught briefly as a visiting professor constitutional law. This from a person who complained about our constitution on having a lot of negative liberties. That is because negative liberties tell the government what they cannot do and this man would prefer government being able to tell the people what they can do or not do. However our Founding Fathers knew better, especially with the problems the colonies were having with the King George of England in the 1770's.
I firmly believe Obama wants to change us into a Marxist/socialist form of government and that is why he has continued to say that he will bypass Congress to get things done. This is a dictator in the making. The recently passed so called Executive decision on the Dream Act is a perfect example of violating the Constitution since all laws must be passed by Congress. He continues to push the envelope to see what he can get away with.
Just look at those people he has surrounded himself in his administration. They are either communist, communist sympathizers, admitted socialist and Marxist. Van Jones comes to mind immediately, followed by Cass Sunstein, Regulatory Czar that many believe is an extremely dangerous person in that position. In any case, he has surrounded himself with these radicals. Aside from his friendship will domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorn who started his run for the presidency.
Based on all this that has taken nearly 3 years of research to find out something about Obama, I firmly believe he is a communist or Marxist (not that there is a difference) and would prefer changing our country to a socialist country where the citizens depend on government rather than personal responsibility. This election is between a socialist/communist and a capitalist, Mitt Romney. Someone who has never worked in the real world or managed anything against someone who was a governor, ran a successful business and saved the Olympics due to his business background. Obama's lack of experience is easy to see through his incompetence in addressing issues either international or domestic. This man is clueless and this will be our last free election as a Republican form of government. That is why his attorney general is doing his best to restrict or block voter ID laws. He is doing what we see in 3rd world socialist/Marxist countries.
One thing Ronald Regan said back in the 60's was that it will be a slippery slope towards socialism when government tells people that they must have government health care. Socialism has never worked anywhere and we see that today by what is happening in Europe. Europe is ready to explode and if you have been carefully listening to the news on what is happening in Europe, you will see that they are starting to blame the United State and Germany for their economic woes. Not themselves when their governments demand 6 week vacations from day one, early retirement at either 55 or 60 with nearly full salary, free medical and schooling. Now all this expense has to come from somewhere and as Margaret Thatcher once said, "Socialist is good until you run out of other people's money". This is his ideology. This is what Obama believes in and most Americans believe in free enterprise, hard work and success will come. Maybe not millionaire success, but success nonetheless. We have always been a country of entrepreneurs that never looked for a government handout. Whatever the government gives they can take away or demand following their rules and regulations.
You must follow closely what is happening in Europe today, and don't be surprise if you see conflict between countries. When people are use to handouts and the money dries up, they don't want to hear that and will demand that someone or some country continue their handouts. That is why Germany balks at dumping anymore money into this cesspool. One thing to watch carefully, is if Europe collapses, we will be affected economically and will be headed into a deep recession. This may panic investors and regular folks and if it appears there may be a run on the banks here, take out as much money you can that you may need for at least a month to survive because it appears one of the options this government has in the hopper is to shut down the banks to prevent that from happening. At least for a short time anyway.
I believe this man is evil, anti-God in his objectives and is doing his best through his administration in removing God and religion from our lives. (A communist objective) That is why his administration is pushing the HHS ( Health and Human Services) mandate that religious organizations must insure their employees for contraception, sterilization and abortion that is against their religious teachings.
His administration is doing their best to impose their radical beliefs on religious organizations in an attempt to destroy them. We are on a slippery slope in this regard and all religions should be greatly concerned. In fact, his entire administration is, I believe, loaded with evildoers and doing the work of the devil. This is the most corrupt administration I have seen in my lifetime
If the Supreme court does not overturn his Obamacare, you can rest assured I as well as others my age and older will not get the medical treatment we may need since it would be considered a waste of money. Contrary to what some liberals say, yes there are death panels in the healthcare bill and the only way Obama and company can even give a chance for the law to work is to limit the money spent on healthcare. So, expensive treatment for the young or old will be considered too expensive. Selective treatment for citizens depending on their medical condition. Sounds like Hitler in the 20's thru 40's. Same principle, just different personnel.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Bush's Fault Again?
Attorney Eric Holder and the Obama administration are not claiming executive privilege on Fast and Furious documents and as usual blaming the Bush administration for this debacle. Well, if the Bush administration is responsible for shipping thousands of guns to Mexico and the drug cartels, just release all the documents on this program so we all can see the guilt that the Bush Administration has on the death of Border Agent Brian Perry and hundreds of Mexican citizens. Since when did the Obama administration start protecting the Bush administration when they have been blaming Bush for everything but WWI and WWII?
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Eric Holder, the Administration and Fast and Furious
Attorney Eric Holder is quick to respond to states attempting to enforce voting regulations, illegal immigration, racial allegations and is on top of these issues but when it comes to Fast and Furious, he claims he is not knowledgeable. So, he is either covering up for the Obama administration, or is incompetent, or attempting to hide his complicity in this case. After all, in or around January 2009, Holder, Obama, H. Clinton and Janet Nepolitano all gave speeches that guns going in Mexico were from the United States and this must be stopped. This was their attempt to get gun control in violation of the 2nd Amendment. But when has this administration concerned itself with the Constitution. And then, low and behold, we have Fast and Furious, a Border agent gets killed and the cat was out of the bag. Their efforts for gun control through this operation, blew up in their face and now they are trying to spin this and of course the lamestream media seems to ignore this as much as possible. This administration fears its citizens in possession of firearms and that is the same fear that Marxist and socialist regimes also fear. That is why our Founders made sure they included the 2nd Amendment in our Constitution. If any doubts, just read the Federalist Papers that explains why the Constitution was written they way it is.