Monday, April 30, 2012
President Obma and his minions
We see in this country a move to remove religion from our lives that appears to have accelerated since the election of President Obama and the radical appointments he has made, especially those that regard religion as an obstruction to their movement to socialize society and mold society into secularism where God and religion is obsolete. We know that the 1st Amendment guarantees us Freedom to Worship and not Freedom from Worship. However, if these so called anti-religious groups get their way, no religion means they can see a rapid increase in the moral decay of society where, if you like it, do it. That is why we see a push to accept alternative life styles that are really an abomination and not what God intended when he created us. Now I know I mentioned that God created us that some people may find upsetting since they believe in no God but evolution. However, human life, animal life, plant life etc. did not happen by accident, regardless what anti-God rhetoric these idiots wish to say. There was a creator we know as God and from His creation, all life evolved to what we have today.
This is why we see a movement to remove God from society. We saw this in the former Soviet Union and attempts to destroy religion in Eastern Europe during the cold war, in Cuba, China, North Korea and Venezuela today. All have failed or will fail, because God is stronger than man. However, we are in the fight and will not allow this to happen in this country. That is why it is important for the citizens in this country, to awaken, open their eyes and ears and realize that this government under President Obama is doing their best to destroy religion to better control the people in compete violation of the Constitution. That is the U.S. Constitution and not some phony constitution they make up. As long as the people in this country remain oblivious to what our Founding Fathers gave us and why, the more these government radicals will push their agenda. Right now, 50% of the pubic are clueless and that is what this government wants to continue. Knowledge is dangerous to their agenda and the dumbing down of America has been their agenda for over 60 years.
In a way, former Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev was when he said " we will destroy you without a military conflict". And this will materialize if we allow it. We already see we are not teaching American History in our schools. As I said, knowledge is dangerous to their agenda and if we can make sure the youth of today are knowledgeable in our history, the less chance they have to destroy this country. Remember, President Obama is living the dream from his father, the title of his book and not the dreams of his father. His father's dream was to destroy the United States, England and other so-called colonialist countries. Now, Obama is in position to live his father's dream and we must prevent his dream from being realized.
We are in a war between those who are minions for Satan and those who believe in God. Those who want to destroy what God gave us through our Founding Fathers and those who want absolute power over our entire lives and can dictate to us what we can and cannot do. Remember, history has shown us that socialism, Marxism, Communism, Nazism and Fascism as well as other forms of government control have all failed even though power hungry people continue to attempt to reintroduce these archaic forms of government under the illusion, they know better and those others did not do it right. That is why, these groups of radicals have taken control of our education system and trying their best to control government since if we do not teach history, nobody will know. There is a tendency for the public to believe the rhetoric of those pushing this radical agenda. Since many in our society are dumb to history, these radicals push their form of government promising a utopian form of society that sounds so good and but in reality, is unachievable since it will take the drive and will of people to succeed through hard work and destroy their initiative. Why work hard and bust your butt if those who don't will receive the same rewards. Capitalism works, egalitarianism does not, never has and never will. These advocates of an Obama form of government must be destroyed and we do that through the voting booth. If our elected officials will not support our Constitution as written, they must be voted out of office. This is how we change things, not through the violence advocated by the Occupy Wall Street protestors that it appears this presidential administration and their followers (Pelosi, Reid, etc.) promotes. Our Founders gave us a Republican form of government where We the People have the power to change things through the voting booth, whereas the Obama administration believes corruption, fraud and violence is the answer. Part of the Chicago way to political power. Wake up America, or forever shut up. Bring us back to what our Founders gave us, or don't complain when you are subjected to government controlling every aspect of your life. Our Founders knew that it came down to Freedom or death. There is no substitute for Freedom, unless you are weak and want to continue to hide behind your mothers skirt or the skirt that this government is formulating for you. This government is trying to promise you everything from birth to death. An impossibility. There is not enough money in this country or the world to provide such a lifestyle for us, let alone the world. Like Hitler said, tell a lie often enough and the people will believe it. Will you.
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