Monday, April 30, 2012
Utah spy center
With the implementation and ongoing build up of the futuristic electronic spy center located in Utah that is and will be capable of eavesdropping on everyone's communication whether either by phone, Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, financial transactions, blogs etc., is big brother in action and the future has come to the present. Nothing is going to be sacred and all your life information will be out there for the government to view and determine on how they wish to address you as a threat to government, (Obama administration). This story is out there and is run by the NSA, at least reported that way, although all spy agencies will have access to this information. At least what the Obama Administration wants them to know. Keep in mind, just this weekend the Obama Administration began to attack the Romney donors by publishing their names and making what many believe to be false or fuzzy allegations on their character. You better believe the Obama Administration will be monitoring all Romney donors. So, I recommend we all donate to Romney as show of force against the Obama Big Brother machine that is intended to trample your constitutional rights. Also remember, this spying started under the Bush Administration, but has been accelerated under Obama Administration when they saw how they can abuse this information to their political advantage. This makes George Orville's, 1984 look like nothing compared to what Obama intends to do and is doing. Beware and remember when you know what your enemy is doing, you can better prepare yourself. November 6, 2012 is last time we will have to disable this proletariat or we will be classified as dissidents and we all know what the former Soviet Union, North Korea, China, Cuba, former Iron Curtain countries did with political dissidents. Most never to be heard from again. They will have a problem getting rid of 300 million dissidents.
Any Similarity is purely coincidence
In the early 1930, Hitler supplanted his power and began his move to take full control of Germany. He began by blaming primarily Jews, but also other religions, Catholics, Protestants etc., for Germany's economic problems and that began his move towards extermination. Remember the Nuremberg laws, Today Obama is intentionally attacking the Catholic Church in his attempt to destroy this church and turn the public against it, just as Hitler did in Germany towards the Jews. However, Obama does not understand Christianity, but is fluid in Islam. In the bible, Jesus said to the apostles and particularly to Peter, "Thou art Peter and upon this rock (Peter) I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it". Now I did not say Obama was Satan, but you thought that didn't you?
Hitler instituted secret police that included the feared Gestapo as well as new laws that destroyed the rights of the people. Now we have President Obama recently signing a new law that in essence under certain situations where one is suspected of terrorism, or planning to undermine the government according to the government's determination, will be subject to immediate arrest without a warrant and not permitted to contact anyone. Something we would call, making a phone call. In reality, you would be held indefinitely without a hearing or bail also known as incommunicado. We know that Hitler began his movement in Munich while Obama began his movement in Chicago, in the home of a terrorist of the 60's, Bill Ayers and his lovely wife, another terrorist, Bernadette Dorn. Similarity, you decide. But the old saying is in vogue today that, "those who don't know history, tend to repeat it". But in this case, Obama and his minions know the history they want to know and are operating under the belief, most Americans do not. And we know, history is not a source of study in our schools today. Know your history and you will understand the Obama administration and his minions that have seized control of government through his appointments to various government agencies that continue to issue one rule and regulation after another that intentionally hampers the growth of this country. If you can destroy the economy of the country, you can put forward programs that the people would believe since by that time they would be willing to try anything to bring the country back from the precipice. All part of the Obama plan to take control of this country. You must listen carefully to what Obama and his comrades say, but watch very closely to what they do. It will not necessarily be the same. If we buy their lies, they will have smooth sailing. If we see the reality of what they are trying to do, we will be able to obstruct their drive to fundamentally change this country to a socialist/Marxist society, where the public become subjects and Obama the despot dictator.
So, if you know people that are outspoken against Obama and his comrades and they suddenly disappear without any notification, you may know where they are. Hopefully, the FBI and the Secret Service will follow what they swore to uphold, The U.S. Constitution, and not permit such drastic abuse of power by ignoring the Constitution. If not, then we will see the rise of a new dictatorship that is intended to destroy this country completely. And if you do not believe this, just continue what you are doing, ignore what is before you, and just raise your hands and give into Obama. Remember, in the 1930's, the German people woke up and realized, "What just happen, What have we done." It was too late then and will it be too late now. You decide, but I have spoken. Will you speak out or forever hold your speech.
Know that Operation Fast and Furious was a scheme designed by Obama, Holder, Napolitano and Hilary in an attempt to get legislation passed to restrict the 2nd Amendment. Back around January 2009, the above mentioned suspects gave a speech and making the accusation that most of the guns going into Mexico were coming from the United States, and low and behold, Fast and Furious came to light. Coincidence? I doubt it very much. But if you wish to remain uninformed and tend to believe the propaganda that this administration throws out there, I will pray for you.
President Obma and his minions
We see in this country a move to remove religion from our lives that appears to have accelerated since the election of President Obama and the radical appointments he has made, especially those that regard religion as an obstruction to their movement to socialize society and mold society into secularism where God and religion is obsolete. We know that the 1st Amendment guarantees us Freedom to Worship and not Freedom from Worship. However, if these so called anti-religious groups get their way, no religion means they can see a rapid increase in the moral decay of society where, if you like it, do it. That is why we see a push to accept alternative life styles that are really an abomination and not what God intended when he created us. Now I know I mentioned that God created us that some people may find upsetting since they believe in no God but evolution. However, human life, animal life, plant life etc. did not happen by accident, regardless what anti-God rhetoric these idiots wish to say. There was a creator we know as God and from His creation, all life evolved to what we have today.
This is why we see a movement to remove God from society. We saw this in the former Soviet Union and attempts to destroy religion in Eastern Europe during the cold war, in Cuba, China, North Korea and Venezuela today. All have failed or will fail, because God is stronger than man. However, we are in the fight and will not allow this to happen in this country. That is why it is important for the citizens in this country, to awaken, open their eyes and ears and realize that this government under President Obama is doing their best to destroy religion to better control the people in compete violation of the Constitution. That is the U.S. Constitution and not some phony constitution they make up. As long as the people in this country remain oblivious to what our Founding Fathers gave us and why, the more these government radicals will push their agenda. Right now, 50% of the pubic are clueless and that is what this government wants to continue. Knowledge is dangerous to their agenda and the dumbing down of America has been their agenda for over 60 years.
In a way, former Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev was when he said " we will destroy you without a military conflict". And this will materialize if we allow it. We already see we are not teaching American History in our schools. As I said, knowledge is dangerous to their agenda and if we can make sure the youth of today are knowledgeable in our history, the less chance they have to destroy this country. Remember, President Obama is living the dream from his father, the title of his book and not the dreams of his father. His father's dream was to destroy the United States, England and other so-called colonialist countries. Now, Obama is in position to live his father's dream and we must prevent his dream from being realized.
We are in a war between those who are minions for Satan and those who believe in God. Those who want to destroy what God gave us through our Founding Fathers and those who want absolute power over our entire lives and can dictate to us what we can and cannot do. Remember, history has shown us that socialism, Marxism, Communism, Nazism and Fascism as well as other forms of government control have all failed even though power hungry people continue to attempt to reintroduce these archaic forms of government under the illusion, they know better and those others did not do it right. That is why, these groups of radicals have taken control of our education system and trying their best to control government since if we do not teach history, nobody will know. There is a tendency for the public to believe the rhetoric of those pushing this radical agenda. Since many in our society are dumb to history, these radicals push their form of government promising a utopian form of society that sounds so good and but in reality, is unachievable since it will take the drive and will of people to succeed through hard work and destroy their initiative. Why work hard and bust your butt if those who don't will receive the same rewards. Capitalism works, egalitarianism does not, never has and never will. These advocates of an Obama form of government must be destroyed and we do that through the voting booth. If our elected officials will not support our Constitution as written, they must be voted out of office. This is how we change things, not through the violence advocated by the Occupy Wall Street protestors that it appears this presidential administration and their followers (Pelosi, Reid, etc.) promotes. Our Founders gave us a Republican form of government where We the People have the power to change things through the voting booth, whereas the Obama administration believes corruption, fraud and violence is the answer. Part of the Chicago way to political power. Wake up America, or forever shut up. Bring us back to what our Founders gave us, or don't complain when you are subjected to government controlling every aspect of your life. Our Founders knew that it came down to Freedom or death. There is no substitute for Freedom, unless you are weak and want to continue to hide behind your mothers skirt or the skirt that this government is formulating for you. This government is trying to promise you everything from birth to death. An impossibility. There is not enough money in this country or the world to provide such a lifestyle for us, let alone the world. Like Hitler said, tell a lie often enough and the people will believe it. Will you.
Monday, April 9, 2012
God, Yes or No
We have a government that is pushing a secular society and through this administration's minions, trying to remove the name of God from our vocabulary. Through the socialist/progressives in our school system, they are attempting to remove the word God from our schools and God may not be mentioned in speeches by the Valedictorian's on graduation day. However, the real agenda is to move society away from God and religion. Are we all being pushed to become another Judas Iscariot and turn our backs on God that was the foundation in our Declaration of Independence or our Constitution. Are we going to sell our soul for false and misleading rhetoric, especially from President Obama. You must listen to what this President says carefully, but you really must watch what his minions do. What he says and what his administration does are not necessarily the same.
Since when did the name of God become offensive to others in our country. Is man to be ruled by God's law or the whims of a dictator? Are men the property of the state or are they free souls under God? This battle has been waging for centuries continues to this day. Our Founding Fathers thought God supplied the answers, and our current president believes he knows better than God. The answer is simple, do we bow down to God or the state?
Since when did the name of God become offensive to others in our country. Is man to be ruled by God's law or the whims of a dictator? Are men the property of the state or are they free souls under God? This battle has been waging for centuries continues to this day. Our Founding Fathers thought God supplied the answers, and our current president believes he knows better than God. The answer is simple, do we bow down to God or the state?
Sunday, April 1, 2012
What is life worth?
In Winter Haven Florida, a man accepted a plea deal for killing 3 bunnies with his hands during an argument with his wife in May 2011. The man could receive about 2 years in jail and 5 years probation. Of course this is totally acceptable. After all, if you kill a fetus (human life) through abortion or even worst, partial birth abortion you will get paid and be celebrated by pro abortion supporters. But kill a bunny rabbit, you get arrested and a trial. It is amazing that animals are more important then human life. But then again, why are we not surprised.
Obama, the brain, does it again.
When Obama was campaigning in 2008, he talked about how he already had been to 57 states and had 2 more to visit. In keeping with his knowledge of the United States, we now can add this blunder.
> Subject: Obama's Milwaukee Visit>
> Everyone makes mistakes; however, if this error was made by Romney or Santorum, all hell would have broken looseand the "independent press" would have crucified them.
> This is great....
> When Obama stopped in at Master Lock in Milwaukee Wisconsin last week, he was walking the plant and stopped to talk with a plant employee and looked up at the banner hanging on the wall and said to the workers and people around him, > "It is great to be in a union shop, especially one as old as this union is " - - -- pointing to the banner.
> He then said, "A Union shop since 1848" - - - and then he went on to talk on what that banner stood for and how important it was to display it and show your union support.
> The worker then said to Obama that it was the flag of the State of Wisconsin - - which was founded in 1848.
> DUH!
> This was only reported by a local radio station in Milwaukee (11:30AM) and not by the major news networks - - -
> They didn't want to embarrass this "got no friggin" clue" President!
> Since they didn't do their job of reporting on this presidential visit, the only way for the news to get around is by us - on the Internet.
Do your job; I just did mine, so voters will know what really happened here and just HOW BRIGHT THIS PRESIDENT REALLY IS !!!??? NOT!!
> Subject: Obama's Milwaukee Visit>
> Everyone makes mistakes; however, if this error was made by Romney or Santorum, all hell would have broken looseand the "independent press" would have crucified them.
> This is great....
> When Obama stopped in at Master Lock in Milwaukee Wisconsin last week, he was walking the plant and stopped to talk with a plant employee and looked up at the banner hanging on the wall and said to the workers and people around him, > "It is great to be in a union shop, especially one as old as this union is " - - -- pointing to the banner.
> He then said, "A Union shop since 1848" - - - and then he went on to talk on what that banner stood for and how important it was to display it and show your union support.
> The worker then said to Obama that it was the flag of the State of Wisconsin - - which was founded in 1848.
> DUH!
> This was only reported by a local radio station in Milwaukee (11:30AM) and not by the major news networks - - -
> They didn't want to embarrass this "got no friggin" clue" President!
> Since they didn't do their job of reporting on this presidential visit, the only way for the news to get around is by us - on the Internet.
Do your job; I just did mine, so voters will know what really happened here and just HOW BRIGHT THIS PRESIDENT REALLY IS !!!??? NOT!!