Sunday, February 26, 2012
Obama and Fair Share
President Obama and his minions keep using the phrase "everyone must pay their fair share". Then the question we must ask is, what is everyone's fair share? We know they keep attacking those who work hard for their wealth as not contributing to the public good. When in fact, we know those who make it in society with high incomes always bring others along either as employees, or creating income by their purchasing power to other businesses and the employees that business may hire. Their wealth filters down to the benefit of others. We also know that 49% of the workers do not pay taxes. So, can we say that those taxpayers who are enjoying all the benefits of living in this country are getting a free ride and not contributing? The answer to that according to Obama's rhetoric is yes. But instead we must criticize those who make it and are supporting government and society with their taxes as compared to those that do not pay taxes. Now we know that everyone contributes, but using the Obama thought process, that would not be the case. So, carrying that further using the Obama method, the 49% that do not pay are not contributing and must pay their fair share. Therefore, we must have a minimum tax that everyone must pay and I propose a minimum of 10%. Now I know that the Pelosi/Reid crowd will not agree to that, but we must have everyone pay their fair share and 49% are not. But Obama and his cronies who believe in a Marxist form of government would prefer saying "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)". That is basicly what Obama is really saying when he says, "fair share". He tries to hide his real ideology through rephrasing Karl Marx. God help us if he gets reelected.
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