Friday, November 25, 2011
Super Committee and the BS
What Congress was not telling us and it seems voters did not realize is the Super Committee was doomed to fail. A $1.2 Trillion cut over 10 years is really only $120 billion a year. Simple math. Every annual budget also has an automatic 7 to 10% increase. So, anytime Congress claims it cut the budget, they just cut the automatic increase by a few percentage points. Meanwhile, the deficit increases without any end in site. Instead of pushing to get the deficit down to $5 Trillion over 10 years it will balloon to well over $25 to 35 Trillion in 10 years and the parties will continue to blame each other. In 10 years we will cease to exist as the country we all grew up in. Then we have those on SS who do not want their entitlement touch when in fact if we could make the necessary changes, there actually will be money for those already receiving the benefit. This program is unsustainable as we see in Greece and the other European countries. There are a lot of ideas out there to address this issue, but it seems to be the third rail of politics. Well, if this is not address then those receiving the benefit, like myself, will find the well going dry. We all put money into the system and will most likely receive more in benefits then we paid in. That is why it must be addressed, but when our politicians are more interested in getting elected, keeping their party in power and the public be dammed, we will continue to see these liabilities flounder and drain our country dry, We permitted this to happen by burying our heads in the sand thinking that we have a constitution to protect us. Little did we know that we must be alert to all threats to our liberties and we just never thought the threats would be domestic and from our elected officials. Or should we say our do nothing elected officials. I just hope this country awakens to this threat and realize unless we respond to this deficit, we cease to exist. But then again, isn't that what the far left radicals want. We know, Marxism, Socialism and Communism has never succeeded and is doomed to failure, but these academics think they know better and they will do it right this time and our kids get brainwashed in college in believing this crap. I will continue to fight for this country, but unless the youth of today wake up and realize the lies they are being told by their professors, many elected officials, they will be in for a rude awakening. Those of us who are at the other end of life expectancy, may not be around to see the demise and what we grew up with will just be in the history books. Of course the way history is being altered, they may not read the true story anyway. It will be lost in our memories when we move on to the next life.
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