Friday, August 5, 2011
Winners and losers in the Debt battle
The winners were the Democrats and Republicans who can continue to spend us into oblivion under the disguise that they have cut spending. When the budget has a built in annual increase of between 7 and 10 % any cuts claimed is really just smoke and mirrors. We are led to believe that cuts are being made. Yet if you really look at it and say instead of spending $100,000 we will spend only $90,000 and save ourselves 10% and sell it to the American public as a cut in spending. The real losers are the American people as we continue to see the debt ceiling rising, no cap in spending and actual real cuts in spending, like cutting the budget back to 2004 levels as a beginning and addressing the real cause of our debt problems that is the minefield of politics, Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. Our politicians would rather see our country destroyed than address these issues for fear of not getting re-elected. After all, that is what it is all about, getting re-elected, getting your party members elected and taking care of your big donors and family and friends. Somewhere, they will think about the country, but that is only a quick thought that may cross their minds when the accidentally have a thought about the mess they have created. After all, they are getting paid approximately $174, 000 each year with benefits, travel, staff and other expenses that we can only dream about. So do you really think they want to lose that. Of the 535 members of Congress only about 35 actually are concerned about the never ending deficit, but they are not part of the establishment within their party and are considered outcast. Either you play ball their way or you will get no acknowledgement.
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