Saturday, July 2, 2011
Obama and Debt crisis
This present standoff on the debt crisis reminds one of the story on the Roman Empire with the old saying, "Cicero fiddled why Rome burned". President Obama tells the Republicans and Democrats to roll up their sleeves and don't go on a fourth of July vacation and work on the debt crisis. However, he immediately leaves on another campaign fund raising, something he has been doing since taking office, and thinks that the debt crisis will be corrected by osmosis. If he is not campaigning then he is playing golf or on a vacation trip. This president is out of touch with reality and is in over his head. That is why he left the stimulus bill and Obamacare bill to congress and union leaders to develop. He has no idea on how legislation should be done that fully explains why a person with limited managerial, legislative and some business experience should ever be elected president. A community organizer just does not make it and Obama is the proof. Rather than working for the good of the country, he prefer threats and retaliation and working for the destruction of the country. If the debt ceiling is not raised, he will threaten to stop SS, Medicare, Military disability payments, Medicaid cuts rather than defunding programs and cutting unnecessary agencies like, Energy, Education and even the EPA since all states now have a similar governmental agency that can address the issues. He is only interested in power and control and not the well being of this country. He talks a good line but initially so did Hitler and Mussolini and look where they led their country. Voters were fooled by his rhetoric in 2007/08 and hopefully they have awakened to the threat Obama is to this country. A Pied Piper he is not and the 2nd coming has not arrived.
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