Sunday, July 31, 2011
The blank plan
If you want to view President Obama's plan for the budget deficit, just hold up a blank piece of paper. The reason he has yet to submit a plan is because he does not want to put anything in writing so he can deny he is for certain items if his radical left base gets upset. He can just say, I did not say that. If it is not in writing, no one can prove he is lying. Besides, he has no management or executive experience and this has shown for the past year in his lack of leadership. Of course he knows how to be a community organizer. I hope voters wise up for the next election.
Deficit Problem, What Deficit Problem?
I have finally realized why we have a deficit problem. The government spending much more than we get in income is not the problem. After all, we can just get Congress to authorize increasing the deficit ceiling so government can continue reckless spending and act like drunken sailors. (My apologies to all sailors) Or we can continue to print money. Remember the Weimar Republic? The fact that the Democrats are accusing the Republicans of cutting Medicare and SS for seniors and using fear mongering to frighten seniors is not the problem. Yes, the Republicans did present a proposed budget that would change some eligibility requirements for those under 55 and not touch those presently receiving benefits now or within 10 years from eligibility. We know that Obamacare cuts $500 Billion from Medicare but is not mentioned by the Democrats or lamestream media. We know a Democratic controlled Senate that has not even attempted to pass a budget in over 2 years is not the problem. Why pass a budget since it may cost seats in the next election. It is better to criticize the opposition with innuendos and falsehoods to scare people. No, the real culprit in all this is Fox News, Talk radio, those mean Republicans and of course those viral, nasty and violent Tea Party Groups that are only demanding an end to deficit spending and following the Constitution.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Debt Ceiling and Budget Cuts
The United States has an income of approximately $2.2 Trillion a year and budgets of $3.5 Trillion a year. It does not take a brain surgeon to realize that there is a problem. The average citizen could not survive on spending more money than their income. Bankruptcy is the result. The only budget deal is one that reduces spending to $2 Trillion. Any other budget deal is a joke.
We also need to revise the tax code. We hear that the rich should pay more and that is fair. Actually, the only fair tax is when we all pay the same rate. That is why we either need a flat tax of 18% or a fair tax of 23% with the only income tax deduction allowed is when a taxpayer's medical bills exceed a certain percentage amount depending on the taxpayer income. Obviously, the more you make the higher your out of pocket medical bills will be before your are allowed a deduction. Those making multi-millions may not even receive the deduction. But fairness in the tax code is when we all pay the same amount regardless of income. Today, we find that approximately 49% of the working public does not pay their fair share. Imagine if these taxpayers actually contributed taxes to the government. You think our country's income would increase? Whether you make $1 a year or $1 Billion a year, we should all pay the same amount. If we had a Fair Tax, then we would all pay on anything we purchased as well as any visitors to our country. That is why it is called the Fair Tax.
Any increase in the debt ceiling without substantial spending cuts, that must include changes in Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid must be on the table. These so called entitlements are a major bite out of the budget thanks to the 1964 Great Society where Congress and the Presidential Administration were salivating over using these funds for their grand programs without regard to what will happen many years latter. The same is happening today where members of Congress and Administration seem to be more concerned about getting re-elected rather than placing this country on a sound financial footing. Just kicking the can down the road while this country continues down the road being traveled by the country of Greece today. Greece today, the United States tomorrow. Phony agreements that will be sold to the American public as a great budget reduction plan is just that, a lot of B.S. Believe me, what you saw in the November 2010 election will happen again on a bigger scale unless Congress and this Administration live up to their responsibility and cut, cut and cut. We must cut to make ends meet and our government must do the same. Better to face the hard times today rather than see blood in the streets tomorrow when we are a bankrupt country.
We also need to revise the tax code. We hear that the rich should pay more and that is fair. Actually, the only fair tax is when we all pay the same rate. That is why we either need a flat tax of 18% or a fair tax of 23% with the only income tax deduction allowed is when a taxpayer's medical bills exceed a certain percentage amount depending on the taxpayer income. Obviously, the more you make the higher your out of pocket medical bills will be before your are allowed a deduction. Those making multi-millions may not even receive the deduction. But fairness in the tax code is when we all pay the same amount regardless of income. Today, we find that approximately 49% of the working public does not pay their fair share. Imagine if these taxpayers actually contributed taxes to the government. You think our country's income would increase? Whether you make $1 a year or $1 Billion a year, we should all pay the same amount. If we had a Fair Tax, then we would all pay on anything we purchased as well as any visitors to our country. That is why it is called the Fair Tax.
Any increase in the debt ceiling without substantial spending cuts, that must include changes in Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid must be on the table. These so called entitlements are a major bite out of the budget thanks to the 1964 Great Society where Congress and the Presidential Administration were salivating over using these funds for their grand programs without regard to what will happen many years latter. The same is happening today where members of Congress and Administration seem to be more concerned about getting re-elected rather than placing this country on a sound financial footing. Just kicking the can down the road while this country continues down the road being traveled by the country of Greece today. Greece today, the United States tomorrow. Phony agreements that will be sold to the American public as a great budget reduction plan is just that, a lot of B.S. Believe me, what you saw in the November 2010 election will happen again on a bigger scale unless Congress and this Administration live up to their responsibility and cut, cut and cut. We must cut to make ends meet and our government must do the same. Better to face the hard times today rather than see blood in the streets tomorrow when we are a bankrupt country.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Obama and Debt crisis
This present standoff on the debt crisis reminds one of the story on the Roman Empire with the old saying, "Cicero fiddled why Rome burned". President Obama tells the Republicans and Democrats to roll up their sleeves and don't go on a fourth of July vacation and work on the debt crisis. However, he immediately leaves on another campaign fund raising, something he has been doing since taking office, and thinks that the debt crisis will be corrected by osmosis. If he is not campaigning then he is playing golf or on a vacation trip. This president is out of touch with reality and is in over his head. That is why he left the stimulus bill and Obamacare bill to congress and union leaders to develop. He has no idea on how legislation should be done that fully explains why a person with limited managerial, legislative and some business experience should ever be elected president. A community organizer just does not make it and Obama is the proof. Rather than working for the good of the country, he prefer threats and retaliation and working for the destruction of the country. If the debt ceiling is not raised, he will threaten to stop SS, Medicare, Military disability payments, Medicaid cuts rather than defunding programs and cutting unnecessary agencies like, Energy, Education and even the EPA since all states now have a similar governmental agency that can address the issues. He is only interested in power and control and not the well being of this country. He talks a good line but initially so did Hitler and Mussolini and look where they led their country. Voters were fooled by his rhetoric in 2007/08 and hopefully they have awakened to the threat Obama is to this country. A Pied Piper he is not and the 2nd coming has not arrived.
Obama and his Ideology
In his book "Dreams From My Father" President Obama stated during his attending college, he sought out the socialist, Marxist, Chicanos and other radical groups. He now has surrounded himself with these radicals in his administration in key positions. His ideology is strongly Socialist/Marxist that is contrary to our Constitution. During his childhood, his education was strongly Marxist. His mother was a supporter of Marxism, his grandparents were admitted communist, his mentor that was provided by his grandparents was an admitted communist and as he stated above in his book he surrounded himself with communist and Marxist. His father had a great dislike for the former colonial powers, England, France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands and the United States. This attitude fully explains why, when he first took office, he returned the bust of Winston Churchill to England who was involved in sending troops to Kenya to subdue a disturbance. Kenya, was the home of Obama's father and the title of his book, " Dreams From My Father", instead of "Dreams of My Father" indicates that Obama is following the dreams of his father by creating a divide between these former colonial powers and his intent to try and make the United States a weak 3rd world country. His ideology is driven to destroy this country, as well as our allies and fully explains his actions. Another 4 year term, that is if we survive his present term, will make the United State unrecognizable from what our Founding Fathers gave us in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Wake up America. Read the newly published easier to read Federalist Papers, titled "The Original Argument" to fully understand why our Founders wrote the Constitution as is.