Friday, September 24, 2010
Bush Tax cuts and political power
The two Congressional leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have been attempting to hit the Republicans on wanting to extend the Bush tax cuts to everyone while they claim that they want it for everyone but those making over $250,000. However, with the Democrats in control of both houses of Congress they can submit legislation with their agenda to exclude those making over $250,000 anytime they want and get it passed with just Democratic support. However, it seems they just want to put off this until after the Nov. 2 election results are in but they will still play their games claiming the Republicans want to help the rich. Of course we all know making $250,000, although a nice sum of money, would not necessarily make you a rich person. Pelosi and Reid know that many in their party want to extend all the Bush tax cuts and not just limit the extension. So rather than face a vote on the issue before the election, they are more concerned with getting their fellow Democrats elected and maintaining control of Congress rather than deal effectively with our disastrous economic situation. The more we delay legislation, the more our economy falters and the Democratic leaders have shown they could care less.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
"The Establishment?"
The so called establishment in the Republican party are upset for all the Tea Party supported candidates that continue to win against what party members want to be primary winners. The problem with both parties is their so called "establishment" they want and not what the voters want. The primaries are manipulated so their candidate gets selected and not a non-established candidate. The voters are beginning to awaken and lets hope it carries over into the 2012 elections. People power and not party power should be the buzz word. It is time to clean up both parties and their corrupt candidate selection process. The question is not what Congress can do for themselves or party, but what they can do for the citizens. Personal responsibility should be the catch word and not too big to fail.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Potential Koran burning
It is okay for Muslims states to dance in the streets on the day of 9/11, burn the American flag as a rebuttal to the United States and our 1st amendment that allows anyone to burn our flag in our country or even to burn the Bible or Koran. But it appears to raise anger when somebody will burn the Koran as may happen on 9/11/2010. It is okay to display disgusting displays against the Blessed Virgin, Jesus and Christianity as freedom of speech, but not okay to burn the Koran. Why? Whether you agree or disagree with the Koran burning, what is the difference? Are we afraid what the Islamic states may do to our troops, citizens or country that they have not done already. We can just leave Afghanistan, let the Taliban take over the country again and when problems develop as they will, we will use a military weapon we have not used since 1945 rather than risk another life of our military soldier for a country that believes we are the villain in the world. Lets call our troops home from overseas bases and build bases on our southern borders where the money spent will benefit our country. It is about time we tell the world to take care of your problems yourself and if you bother us, we will deal with you our way. I am tired of our lives being destroyed, money being spent to save countries that hate our guts. We don't need this anymore. I am tired of being the policemen of the world. When emergencies happen, earthquakes, floods, etc, we are the ones that are the first responders with our military and donations while other countries just give lip service. I think it is about time that we put our people first. I never thought I would think this way, but I think enough is enough. The United States must be our first priority.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
More from our First President
Interesting quotes from George Washington that apply today. Little did he know.
In 1789 he described how the Constitution with all of its wisdom, could ultimately come to naught by the depravity of the people and those who govern them, since the Constitution in the hands of a corrupt people was a mere "wall of words" or a "mound of parchment".
Since Washington believed in God and Divine Providence, he believe if the United States moved away from God, American could not expect the continuing smiles of Heaven if the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself ordained were disregarded.
In 1789 he described how the Constitution with all of its wisdom, could ultimately come to naught by the depravity of the people and those who govern them, since the Constitution in the hands of a corrupt people was a mere "wall of words" or a "mound of parchment".
Since Washington believed in God and Divine Providence, he believe if the United States moved away from God, American could not expect the continuing smiles of Heaven if the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself ordained were disregarded.