Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Keynesian Economics
John Maynard Keynes was a British economist that believed that only through government spending could a depression or recession be averted. Of course, FDR attempted to follow these plans when first elected before it was discovered in approx. 1939 that in reality, the only way to push the economy forward was through tax cuts and through private industry and not government creating jobs. President Reagan knew this and it worked. However, Obama still believes we must spend, spend and spend more. Even Europe has finally realized that government spending only makes the situation worst which is why we do not see the unemployment number decrease and our deficit go through the ceiling. If spending more would make one solvent, we would all be borrowing and spending to get wealthy. The only thing the Obama economic plan will do is bankrupt this country. Then again, maybe that is what he wants. After all, "never let a crisis go to waste."
Monday, June 28, 2010
2nd Amendment
It is nice to hear that the Supreme Court found that the Constitution still carries some weight. The right to bear arms was given to us in the Constitution and one must wonder what would happen if the Supreme ruled the other way. Would the 2nd amendment be found unconstitutional even though it is in the constitution or would the supreme court give local, state and federal government the right to ban the possession of guns? When the supreme court starts ruling on the constitutionality of our constitution, we are in serious trouble and just one vote short of socialism, communism or total government control of our lives which is really all the same.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Guess Who?
There was business failures that caused the stock market to decline and a subsequent recession. The administration decided to adopt a widespread series of measures at the national level that emphasized relief and reform. This included banking regulations with a deliberate attempt to introduce planning into the economy with a push for radical redistribution of wealth. The administration decided to save capitalism from itself by entrenching a number of regulatory measures and social programs that kept the market economy from its own excesses. The administration claimed it was committed to a balance budget, yet it ran all-time record deficits. The administration surrounded itself with elitist intellectuals or career politicians. The administration had anti-business bullies who threatened corporate leaders who resisted their "voluntary" programs with a sock right in the nose. Members of this administration believed that government spending would spur demand and thus pull a nation out of a depression. They wanted to ensure that federal spending was transformed "from temporary expedient to a permanent instrument of government". There were also arguments on the other side for cutting government spending to encourage private investment, but the president believed the race to spend federal money was on. However, the president's policy had no overarching principles, no long-term vision, no guiding fundamentals, but was rather a reactive network of plans designed to "get" business and a means of diminishing private control over the necessities of life. It did not help that the president had few business leaders among his advisors due to distrust and believed many business leaders were generally stupid. The president believed it was to his political advantage to him in creating the impression through the country that he was being unjustly attacked by business men. The president looked for high spots in his speeches to get in "a dig at his enemies". Some were impressed by the president's utter lack of logic, the scantiness of his precise knowledge of things that he was talking about and by the immense and growing egotism that came from his office. The president engaged in "secret amputation" when it came to introducing programs that noted, "you do it quietly as possible." You play down its implications. Mixing spot emergency measures, applied to selective sectors of the economy, then combining them with stealth social engineering. From the time this president took office the deficit jumped nearly $6 Billion in six years, more than double when he took office and the national debt had soared to real levels unmatched to this day. Above all, emergency measures needed to be done quickly before opposition could mount to many of these breathtaking changes to the Constitution.
This sounds like President Obama and his administration. However, it is none other than the administration of FDR. The more things change, the more they remain the same. People who don't know history, tend to repeat it. Research history and you will find all this true.
This sounds like President Obama and his administration. However, it is none other than the administration of FDR. The more things change, the more they remain the same. People who don't know history, tend to repeat it. Research history and you will find all this true.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The oil spill and possible corruption
We now have a moritorium on oil drilling in the Gulf for at least 6 months which will be a financial blow to the people of the coastal states as many rely on oil drilling for jobs. With the cost of these deep water oil rigs costing upwards of $500,000 to $1 million per day, there is no way they will remain idle for any length of time. So you can expect them to up and leave to "greener" waters where they can operate and provide income for the owners and the oil workers. Now where they will go is a big question. Some say potential areas are off Cuba, Brazil, China, or somewhere in Europe. Now there are a few items to consider on this topic. George Soros, a multi-billionaire (approx. $14 billion) who has supported the democrats and especially Obama with mega bucks has invested approximately $900 billion in Brazilian oil company named Petrobras. Petrobras is presently exploring oil finds off the coast of Brazil in deep water, much deeper than what we have in the Gulf. George Soros, with far left leaning John Podesta is also the co-founder and again financial supporter of the Center for American Progress that is a radical left think tank that has encouraged President Obama to go after BP monetarially and legally and to call for a morituriam on oil drilling which was done. Now since the drilling platforms will not waste away during this time, you can expect them to be moved elsewhere as mentioned previously. If they go to Brazilian waters, you can expect George Soros to again have another financial bonzana. And you still think this administration is not corrupt. We have a president who was elected with no executive experience that has become more apparent as this oil spill progresses in days and it has become either Obama's Katrina or even worst a Jimmy Carter fiasco. Either way,President Obama has demonstrated by his inaction that he is more interested in his agenda that now includes Cap and Trade, rather then pull out all stops to prevent the oil spill from destroying the coastal regions by asking and searching the world for those countries and companies that can help in this area of expertise. It is obvious for a person that many thought was our savior, he has no skill whatsoever to handle a crisis. Incompetent would explain his knowledge, skills and ability in crisis situation. Imagine if he were to have another type 9/11 happenning. He probably would go after the Tea Party members. But remember, it is not about the oil spill, so you must watch the other hand as he has his administration move in other areas to slowly gain more control of our lives by using this crisis for his socialist agenda. Always look past the crisis to see what he is really doing. November 2, cannot come soon enough and he knows this that is why he is pushing his agenda.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Understanding Progressives
From President Teddy Roosevelt to the current Obama administration the progressive point of view has always been that there exist an intellectual hierarchy among men and that only the best and brightest should lead. This was called then and is today "elitism". That the average American does not know how to run their lives and only the elitist and government can do it. This has been called other names in the past and present known at Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Nazism. Rejected by most of the world as not workable and well known by our Founding Fathers that is the reason why they began with "We the People" and not "We the Government". However, our elitist president who has no management or executive experience and never really held a real job, believes he knows best or borrowing from a 1950's T.V. show, "Father Knows Best". But if anyone knows where their form of government they are trying to force upon us has been successful in countries over our form of government, either your are a dreamer or are as dumb as our president and his radical friends.
Monday, June 14, 2010
55 days and counting
After approximately 55 days, President Obama may meet with the CEO of BP, Tony Heyward and yet, soon after taking office, he began his tour meeting with world leaders, even those that wanted us destroyed. I like to say he is acting stupidly, but I don't have all the facts, except what I and the rest of the world have been reading and viewing since April 20. You would think for someone who can walk on water, this spill would have been cleaned up already. I guess we have been misled.
Keep up the Blame game
Lets see, if I understand the Democrats, lamestream media and the Obama administration, former President Bush is responsible for the sinking of the Titanic, Lusitania, the great depression, Pearl Harbor, Korean War, Vietnam War, bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1984, bombing of the Twin Towers in 1993, the U.S. Embassy in Africa in 1995, the U.S. Cole in 2001 and of course 9/11 without question and now the Gulf Oil spill. Some day, President Obama will take responsibility for something, but rest assured it will not be in our lifetime. Of course the Socialist Progressive Democratic party will make sure this never happens. Chicago politics as its finest.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Jones Act
The Jones Act, officially titled the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, but named after Senator W. Jones who sponsored it. There are two parts of the Jones Act one involves benefits for sailors injured at sea and the other on ships using the waters of the US that is the concern of all states involved with the Gulf oil spill. Basically, the act promoted American built, owned and staffed ships by restricting shipping and passenger trade within the United States to American owned or American flagged ships and stipulated that 75% of a ship's crew consist of American citizens. During hurricane Katrina this section of the act was suspended by the Bush administration and with request from foreign governments to help in this spill that have the ships and expertise to address oil spills, the Obama administration is hesitant in suspending this act since it appears that labor unions have objected to this. Since the Obama administration owes it life to union campaign workers and donations, well you figure it out. Remember, those of you that voted for Obama, voted for a community and union organizer and not a person who had tons of administrative experience. So he owes his body and soul to the unions not the citizens of the United States.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
While Rome Burns..................................
The old saying, “While Rome burns, Nero played his fiddle”, I guess can also apply to President Obama and the Gulf oil disaster.
While the oil in the gulf continues to spill out from the ruptured pipe, President Obama decides to go on the campaign trail again trying to sell his healthcare plan to a bunch of senior AARP members that were screened to make sure they were supporters of Obama and his administration. But the oil continues to spill and Obama into his second year in office continues to campaign.
While the oil in the gulf continues to spill out from the ruptured pipe, President Obama decides to go on the campaign trail again trying to sell his healthcare plan to a bunch of senior AARP members that were screened to make sure they were supporters of Obama and his administration. But the oil continues to spill and Obama into his second year in office continues to campaign.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Do as I say or else.
The Obama administration is attempting to take primary election choices out of the voters hands by doing a quid pro quo with those candidates they do not want to run. And we thought primaries were in play for the voters to decide who they wanted to represent them. Isn't this what happens in socialist countries where the government selects the candidates and then the voters must go out and vote for that candidate? Oh, but that would never happen here. And we never thought our president would never bow down to foreign leaders or be unable to say "terrorist". I forgot I am a terrorist because I am pro-life, Tear Party member, Christian, support the right to bear arms, believe marriage is between a man and women and dislike this president. After 2012, I will again become the average American again.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Propaganda Minister speaks again
The minister of propaganda, Gibbs, made a statement at Thursday news conference that shows exactly what the Obama administration is attempting to do. The propaganda minister said in essence that the Obama administration wants to limit the number of people entering a primary that can be very costly for the Democrats. What he was really saying is that the Obama administration wants to control the primaries as to who is running and not have the citizens decide who they want to represent them. Obama wants to make that decision for them. More government control or what we call socialism or communism that we saw in the Soviet Union or present day China, Cuba, Venezuela etc.