Friday, April 30, 2010
Gov. Charlie Crist
Gov. Crist seeing that his poll numbers are in decline decides to switch from a Republican to an independent in the Florida senate race with the logic that as an independent he can get elected. Even though polls show his popularity is not what he believes it is, and that he cannot understand why “me Charlie Crist is not being accepted by the public”. Well, the answer is the Florida voters in all polls are rejecting the Obama Administration and Gov. Crist embraces both literally and policy wise the Obama agenda. Besides, Gov. Crist wants to continue to feed from the public trough and cannot believe he actually may have to go out and get a real job. He will find that out shortly. Goodbye Charlie and good riddance.
Vote doesn’t count
In case you do not see the hand writing on the wall, if you are not Hispanic, your vote does not count in this country. That is why you see no movement to close the southern border by either party. They both talk a good line, but will not act for fear of losing the Hispanic vote. Forget the fact, that illegal immigrants do not vote, or at least not suppose to vote, are a financial burden on the states and federal government since no one wants to mention that fact. Also, legal Hispanic immigrants are also victims since illegals are taking jobs away from them for cheaper wages that employers offer with the “don’t ask, don’t tell” mentality on whether an employee is legal or not. So, citizens are becoming second hand citizens while illegals are getting the benefit. Goes to show that our elected officials are more interested in getting elected, getting their party elected rather than enforcing our Constitution. That is why they must all be voted out in November. YOU DON’T COUNT.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Healthcare and HHS
After the healthcare bill was passed the CBO comes out and indicates that how they initially graded the healthcare bill many not be exactly correct and it may cost more than originally estimated. Now Health and Human Services claims it will increase the budget by more than $300 billion. And why are we not surprised by that. It seems the lamestream media was not reporting this and all they did was glorify this healthcare bill while Fox news and talk radio was telling us exactly what HHS reported. It has been indicated that the estimates from HHS were even conservative on the deficit side and the actual figures may be much more. Again, when was the last time government did anything under orginal estimates. Rest assured this healtcare bill will actually cost over #2.5 billion more than estimate. And how will those deficit estimates be met, I will give you three guesses and the first two do not count.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Who are the instigators?
It is becoming evidently more clear that the Democrats are attempting to incite radical fringe in society to engage in some sought of violent act so they can relate the action to those that are opposed to the Obama Administration. If such a happening takes place you can rest assured that the lamestream media and the Obama comrades will attempt to place Tea Party activist and members as the impetus for such violent behavior. The Democrats are desperate when they see the support and increase members in the Tea Party movement and growing distrust in Congress and the White House over increase government spending, budget deficits, violating the U.S. Constitution and a complete disregard of public opinion on issues. This administration and Congress are under the illusion that since the Democrats won the last election they have carte blanch to do whatever they desire. On November 2, the voters will respond with term limits of their own.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Interesting Reading
An interesting book I have been reading, titled “Why Jews are Liberals” by Norman Podhoretz, I came across a section related to Nazi Germany in 1932 that I thought sounded familiar to what is taking place in our country today.
Although the following section refers to the plight of the Jews at the time, it also can be considered in the context of how the radical left and the Socialist/Marxist in the present administration have come into power. I quote: “In Germany of all places, an openly and poisonous anti-Semitic party had taken over the government and had, moreover, done so not by a coup but through a democratic election. And to make the situation more horrifying, when shortly after becoming chancellor, Hitler seized on a staged pretext to demand that the Reichstag allow him to suspend the constitution, two-thirds of the deputies acceded, enabling him to turn what had been an exemplary democracy into a dictatorship in which he soon enjoyed absolute power.” (Similar to Pelosi, Reid and Obama hijacking the democratic party and passing Obamacare and pushing for other massive programs)
In addition, since there was no vetting of Obama during the presidential campaign for fear something may be found, Obama was elected under the premise that he was a centrist even though all his associations throughout his life from his parents, grandparents, college colleagues, who in his own words sought out the radicals, Chicanos and Marxist on campus, as well as his 20 year relationship with Rev. Wright and his hushed relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadette Dorn. All these relationships have now given a clearer picture of what was elected and it was not what most Americans thought they would be getting. This brings up another entry in the book that also reflects what is happening today with this administration. “Under the new imperatives, the Communist went to almost comical lengths in dressing themselves up to look like one hundred percent Americans. Everything they did was made to seem as American as possible. What had been the Young Communist League one day became the American Youth for Democracy, whose local chapters named themselves after legendary figures from American history like Molly Pitcher and Paul Revere. The education institution the party set up in New York was named Thomas Jefferson. “ I thought I would share these thoughts with everyone since upon reading this section of the book, my thoughts immediately turned to what is happening now.
Although the following section refers to the plight of the Jews at the time, it also can be considered in the context of how the radical left and the Socialist/Marxist in the present administration have come into power. I quote: “In Germany of all places, an openly and poisonous anti-Semitic party had taken over the government and had, moreover, done so not by a coup but through a democratic election. And to make the situation more horrifying, when shortly after becoming chancellor, Hitler seized on a staged pretext to demand that the Reichstag allow him to suspend the constitution, two-thirds of the deputies acceded, enabling him to turn what had been an exemplary democracy into a dictatorship in which he soon enjoyed absolute power.” (Similar to Pelosi, Reid and Obama hijacking the democratic party and passing Obamacare and pushing for other massive programs)
In addition, since there was no vetting of Obama during the presidential campaign for fear something may be found, Obama was elected under the premise that he was a centrist even though all his associations throughout his life from his parents, grandparents, college colleagues, who in his own words sought out the radicals, Chicanos and Marxist on campus, as well as his 20 year relationship with Rev. Wright and his hushed relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadette Dorn. All these relationships have now given a clearer picture of what was elected and it was not what most Americans thought they would be getting. This brings up another entry in the book that also reflects what is happening today with this administration. “Under the new imperatives, the Communist went to almost comical lengths in dressing themselves up to look like one hundred percent Americans. Everything they did was made to seem as American as possible. What had been the Young Communist League one day became the American Youth for Democracy, whose local chapters named themselves after legendary figures from American history like Molly Pitcher and Paul Revere. The education institution the party set up in New York was named Thomas Jefferson. “ I thought I would share these thoughts with everyone since upon reading this section of the book, my thoughts immediately turned to what is happening now.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
IRS and healthcare
Isn't this new healthcare bill exciting when if you do not have health insurance the IRS will come after you. What you are not being told by Obama and the Democratic elitist is that you will have to indicate on your income tax return whether you have health insurance or not and if not, you will be paying a penalty and if you refuse to pay, then....................... You figure it out. I will give you 3 guesses and the first 2 will not count.
Difference between Democrats and Conservatives.
The difference between the Socialist Democrats and Conservatives is that the Socialist Democrats want to repeal the U.S. Constitution and replace it with a socialist version while the Conservatives want to repeal the healthcare bill and replace it with one that the American people will agree with and find acceptable.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Not surprised by this either
When Obama ran for president and during his campaign for healthcare, we were repeatedly told that if you make less than $250,000 you will not see an increase in your taxes. Now we learn that the administration is floating out the idea of raising taxes through a Value Added Tax (VAT) that will affect everyone and not just those making more than $250,000. But why are we not surprised by this since those who have opposed Obama and his reckless spending programs have stated endless times that taxes are going to be increased. And when was the last time Congress saw a dollar they did not want to spend. You hear no talk for cutting spending to reduce the budget deficit but lets raise taxes so we can spend some more. We are going to be bankrupt before the end of Obama's first and we hope last term if we don't reduce our reckless spending and deficits. First we must impose term limits on our Congressional representatives this coming November by voting them out of office.