Thursday, October 22, 2009
Judge me by the people I surround myself with. So said candidate Obama during a debate with John McCain in 2008. Since the so called main stream news media did not do any vetting and the Obama campaign attacked anyone or organization that attempted to research candidate Obama, not much was known about Obama for the first time in any presidential election. So, we must look at those he receives counsel, were appointed by him and are involved in his administration decision making. What we find is an abundance of avowed Marxist, Communist and Socialist. Listening to what they say and that they want to fundamentally change America from capitalism to a government control of everything you realize their radical thinking is out to destroy what we had for the last 240 years. Is it Treason that these “advisers” are advocating? Everything they are pushing for is in violation of the Constitution. America, wake up or you will lose everything. See what is happening in Venezuela. This administration is putting their people in place to further their conspiracy. Call it what you want, but a conspiracy by any other name is still a conspiracy.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
First they came......................
By Pastor Niemoller who escaped persecution by the Nazis.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
And now a new play on this by yours truly.
First they came for those who disagreed with them and I did not speak out because I did not disagree with the administration
Then they came after Fox News and I did not speak out because I did not watch Fox News.
Then they came for the newspapers that objected to them and I did not speak out because I did not read those papers.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
And if you don't think this can happen, just remember Joe the Plumber, who disagreed with Obama and was attacked for weeks, Fox News that has uncovered radicals in his administration, Humana Health care that objected to Gov. Health option and were vilified by the Obama administration and now the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that also disagrees with Gov’t option health care. If you disagree with this administration expect to be attacked. So much for the US Constitution with this administration. If you want to know what will happen next, just look what has happened in Venezuela. If it moves, government controls it. 1984 is here, just 25 years later.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
And now a new play on this by yours truly.
First they came for those who disagreed with them and I did not speak out because I did not disagree with the administration
Then they came after Fox News and I did not speak out because I did not watch Fox News.
Then they came for the newspapers that objected to them and I did not speak out because I did not read those papers.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
And if you don't think this can happen, just remember Joe the Plumber, who disagreed with Obama and was attacked for weeks, Fox News that has uncovered radicals in his administration, Humana Health care that objected to Gov. Health option and were vilified by the Obama administration and now the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that also disagrees with Gov’t option health care. If you disagree with this administration expect to be attacked. So much for the US Constitution with this administration. If you want to know what will happen next, just look what has happened in Venezuela. If it moves, government controls it. 1984 is here, just 25 years later.
Monday, October 19, 2009
For the past 60 years there has been an ongoing effort to eliminate God from our lives, change world history and indoctrinate our school children. We have seen a push for evolution over creation and only evolution can be taught in schools that is contrary to what was taught for nearly 175 years. We have seen prayers slowly being removed from all aspects of school life from the classroom to the sports field. We have seen all signs of religion removed from public buildings and property. Christmas displays that have been ongoing around the world for hundreds of year are now verboten. Notice, I used German word. Will explain near the end. We see less and less attendance in churches of young people, as material items have become their religion. Today, they do not have time for God in their lives. Those of us that do know, realize this is a dangerous road to travel as scripture has shown us. During the 9/11 disaster we saw crowded churches as fear turned people to God but as time went on, and fear subsided so did church attendance. Without religion, it is easy to bring moral decay to society and make society easily acceptable to immoral conduct in life, movies and television that becomes everyday occurrence in life.
We all know that Christopher Columbus discovered the New World even though it was not what is today the United States, but he did land in Caribbean islands. He gets credit for this and the tremendous effort to engage in such an undertaking when many considered the world flat and the fear of exploring the unknown. We also know that it appears that the Vikings may very well have discovered the New World thousands of years before, but they did not alert the world to their discovery. Therefore the credit goes to Columbus who did. However, we see history being taught in school to discredit Columbus because of the way he captained his ships and push his crew as well as other actions taken on land. However, before one criticizes his actions one should understand how society functioned in that time period and what was the behavior at the time of captains and crew. Granted there were cruel people during that time and history is filled of these people as well as it is written in the bible but that was what one did in those times. We know such behavior would not be tolerated today, but living during that timeframe with the same knowledge of that time, would we be any different? Political correctness has taken over in our school studies and history is being changed to meet this correctness thereby skewing history and teaching misinformation that indoctrinate our young minds. The history of the United States is not being taught as it took place, but rather it appears it has become to teach that the United States is the cause of all problems in the world. The Constitution and Declaration of Independence as well as the Magna Carta is not part of the history lessons that became the driving force in developing our rights in this country. This way our elected officials and other members of government can do just about anything claiming they are working under the guise of the Constitution. This is also known on the dumbing down of America making is ripe for a overthrowing of our Government as we know it and have been living it. So this brings us to today and our present Government.
We have a President who believes he can dictate policy and bypass Congress by issuing Presidential directives which is in direct contrast to what the Founding Fathers put in the Constitution. That is why they put included an Executive, Legislative and Judiciary with checks and balances to make sure none of the three infringe on the duties and responsibilities of the other two. The Legislative would pass laws, the President could sign or reject the laws and if there were enough votes the legislative could override the Presidential veto. The Judiciary could review the law to make sure it was in compliance with what is contained in the Constitution and only the Constitution. To make changes to the Constitution, the Founding Fathers permitted the Constitution to be amended by submitting the changes to the states and for three-quarters of the states (38) to approve the amendment. It appears that the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary have far exceeded their duties and responsibilities as defined in Section 8 of the Constitution and have consistently infringe on the responsibilities of the other two. That is why we see some states beginning to attempt to rally around the 10th Amendment, which basically states that the states are responsible for all other actions that are not defined in Section 8 of the Constitution. This is the section that the three branches of government have continually infringed upon to the dismay of the states. States rights are delineated in the Constitution and it is about time the states took up the battle to recover their Constitutional Rights so defined.
What is going on in this country today and has been slowly happening as discussed previously is a slow takeover of this country by an ideology that borders more toward a combination of socialism, fascism and communism. Just take the time to review history during the timeframe of the 1920’s to present and how Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Chavez and other dictators have come to power. The people were sweet talked into buying into a philosophy of cradle to grave government assistance during times of economic difficulties of unemployment, inflation, bank failures and business bankruptcies that made it easier for the public to support such ideology. Today we see the same rhetoric taking place where the government has all the answers. But my question is as follows:
When was the last time government ran anything that was deficit neutral?
When was the last time ANY government spent itself into prosperity?
When was the last time ANY government spent more than it had and survived?
The obvious answer is NEVER. This becomes the impetus for a government control of all facets of a person’s life. Unless we speak up and speak out, we will become another of what we see taking place in Venezuela of today. Scary. Remember in 2010 to vote these jerks out of office and send a message. There are 535 House members and 38 Senate seats up for election that year.
We all know that Christopher Columbus discovered the New World even though it was not what is today the United States, but he did land in Caribbean islands. He gets credit for this and the tremendous effort to engage in such an undertaking when many considered the world flat and the fear of exploring the unknown. We also know that it appears that the Vikings may very well have discovered the New World thousands of years before, but they did not alert the world to their discovery. Therefore the credit goes to Columbus who did. However, we see history being taught in school to discredit Columbus because of the way he captained his ships and push his crew as well as other actions taken on land. However, before one criticizes his actions one should understand how society functioned in that time period and what was the behavior at the time of captains and crew. Granted there were cruel people during that time and history is filled of these people as well as it is written in the bible but that was what one did in those times. We know such behavior would not be tolerated today, but living during that timeframe with the same knowledge of that time, would we be any different? Political correctness has taken over in our school studies and history is being changed to meet this correctness thereby skewing history and teaching misinformation that indoctrinate our young minds. The history of the United States is not being taught as it took place, but rather it appears it has become to teach that the United States is the cause of all problems in the world. The Constitution and Declaration of Independence as well as the Magna Carta is not part of the history lessons that became the driving force in developing our rights in this country. This way our elected officials and other members of government can do just about anything claiming they are working under the guise of the Constitution. This is also known on the dumbing down of America making is ripe for a overthrowing of our Government as we know it and have been living it. So this brings us to today and our present Government.
We have a President who believes he can dictate policy and bypass Congress by issuing Presidential directives which is in direct contrast to what the Founding Fathers put in the Constitution. That is why they put included an Executive, Legislative and Judiciary with checks and balances to make sure none of the three infringe on the duties and responsibilities of the other two. The Legislative would pass laws, the President could sign or reject the laws and if there were enough votes the legislative could override the Presidential veto. The Judiciary could review the law to make sure it was in compliance with what is contained in the Constitution and only the Constitution. To make changes to the Constitution, the Founding Fathers permitted the Constitution to be amended by submitting the changes to the states and for three-quarters of the states (38) to approve the amendment. It appears that the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary have far exceeded their duties and responsibilities as defined in Section 8 of the Constitution and have consistently infringe on the responsibilities of the other two. That is why we see some states beginning to attempt to rally around the 10th Amendment, which basically states that the states are responsible for all other actions that are not defined in Section 8 of the Constitution. This is the section that the three branches of government have continually infringed upon to the dismay of the states. States rights are delineated in the Constitution and it is about time the states took up the battle to recover their Constitutional Rights so defined.
What is going on in this country today and has been slowly happening as discussed previously is a slow takeover of this country by an ideology that borders more toward a combination of socialism, fascism and communism. Just take the time to review history during the timeframe of the 1920’s to present and how Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Chavez and other dictators have come to power. The people were sweet talked into buying into a philosophy of cradle to grave government assistance during times of economic difficulties of unemployment, inflation, bank failures and business bankruptcies that made it easier for the public to support such ideology. Today we see the same rhetoric taking place where the government has all the answers. But my question is as follows:
When was the last time government ran anything that was deficit neutral?
When was the last time ANY government spent itself into prosperity?
When was the last time ANY government spent more than it had and survived?
The obvious answer is NEVER. This becomes the impetus for a government control of all facets of a person’s life. Unless we speak up and speak out, we will become another of what we see taking place in Venezuela of today. Scary. Remember in 2010 to vote these jerks out of office and send a message. There are 535 House members and 38 Senate seats up for election that year.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
HealthCare Senate committee vote.
The Senate Finance Committee passes its healthcare bill with a vote of 14 to 9 with one Republican voting for the measure. And what do we hear the President claim, that it was a bi-partisan vote. I guess if 2 Republicans voted for this measure he would have claimed landslide support from both parties. In addition, the majority of Americans do not want a government option and have indicated this in town hall meetings and tea parties. But as we know, our elected officials would rather vote to support their party rather than the good of the country or their constituents.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Nobel Peace Award
The real story behind the award. Imagine, not even 2 weeks into his administration and he is nominated.
Many observers were shocked by the unexpected choice so early in the Obama presidency, which began less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 nomination deadline and has yet to yield concrete achievements in peacemaking. Aagot Valle, a lawmaker for the Socialist Left party who joined the committee this year, said she hoped the selection would be viewed as "support and a commitment for Obama." The committee has a leftist slant, with three members elected by left-of-center parties. Jagland said the decision to honor Obama was unanimous. Some around the world objected to the choice of Obama, who still oversees wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and has launched deadly counter-terror strikes in Pakistan and Somalia.
Then again this was also given to Jimmy Carter, Yassir Arafat and Al Gore. Need we say more.
Many observers were shocked by the unexpected choice so early in the Obama presidency, which began less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 nomination deadline and has yet to yield concrete achievements in peacemaking. Aagot Valle, a lawmaker for the Socialist Left party who joined the committee this year, said she hoped the selection would be viewed as "support and a commitment for Obama." The committee has a leftist slant, with three members elected by left-of-center parties. Jagland said the decision to honor Obama was unanimous. Some around the world objected to the choice of Obama, who still oversees wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and has launched deadly counter-terror strikes in Pakistan and Somalia.
Then again this was also given to Jimmy Carter, Yassir Arafat and Al Gore. Need we say more.